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We all just stood in the room, quietly and awkwardly. Salem and Dean wouldn't break eye contact, Sam would go from looking at Salem, to me.and to Cas. Orion caught a glimpse of Sam and she hasn't stopped drooling since.

Dean broke the silence by saying, "How long do they have to stay with us?"

"Until the prophet is safe." Cas answered him in his low husky voice.

"You keep talking about this whole prophet business, what the hell do you mean by it?" Orion asked curiously.

"You are a prophet of the lord. You are able to read and write the word of God." Cas answered her formally.

"Wait, so does that make you two angels or something? Because the only thing I've ever hunted that are able to do what you do are demons." Orion stated.

"Yes, only an angel can save someone from purgatory." Cas told her.

"Purgatory? Like the place supernatural beings go once they die." Orion questioned.

"Yes." Cas answered quickly.

Orion explained to us that she killed a witch once and then she appeared in a never ending forest, she had to hunt everyday to stay alive. When she killed the witch it must have brought her to purgatory.

Salem and Dean were still not talking by night fall. Dean, Sam and Eric got a room while Salem, Orion and I got our own room. Castiel doesn't sleep so he left us for the night.

"Hey Orion." I called out from the bathroom because I wasn't changing into a pair of sofies and a big shirt to sleep in.

"What's up?" She asked.

"How do you feel about going red? Demons know what you look like so we have to change your look."

"Uh-I guess we can do that." She answered skeptically.

"Good, I'll be right back." I walked out of our room and went to go get some money from the boys.

Sam answered the door, looked down at me and said, "Nice shirt."

I didn't realize that I was wearing his shirt so it made me blush a little. "Um, can I borrow like twenty buck? I'll give it back in the morning."

"Yeah, sure." Sam pulled out his wallet and gave me the money. I said my thanks and when I was leaving Sam added, "Really, nice shirt. It looks good on you." I smiled at him and went to my truck.

The was a CVS only five minutes away and I knew that it would still be open. The drive was like any other drive, quiet. There wasn't in the story so I went to pick out the brightest box of red hair dye that I could find. The cashier checked out my things and when she gave me my bag her eyes went black. 

"Hunters have really gone down hill." The demon laughed as she sent me flying backwards. I hit a self and fell to the floor. Slowly I stood up and began walking over to her. She tried sending me back again but this time I was stronger. "What are you?" 

"An angel." I replied.

Her face fell then she hopped over the counter and tried to run away. I grabbed her wrist and turned her towards me and I placed my hand on her forehead. There was a bright light coming from her eyes that lasted for about a minute then she fell to the floor. I collapsed on the floor as another black eyed demon came out of the room. He looked at the other demon who was laying on the ground then at me. The demon came after me, he picked me up and pinned me up against the wall. He pulled out an archangel sword and stabbed me in the stomach. I let out a scream then the demon was pulled away from me. Castiel was standing there, he looked at me with a worried look on his face them went back to the demon. Castiel threw the demon to the ground then placed his hand on his forehead and smited the demon, just like I had done to the other one. 

Castiel ran over to me and picked me up then went back to the motel room. We appeared in the boys' room, Dean and Sam jumped up from the table and ran over to us, while Eric went to go get Salem and Orion. 

"What happened?" Sam quickly asked.

"Demons. They had an archangel sword." Castiel informed them.

"Can't you heal her?" Dean added in.

"I am afraid is doesn't work like that." I heard Castiel say before I pasted out. 

The next couple of hours were foggy, I remembered Sam and Cas arguing about what happened and why he couldn't heal me. I remembered feeling Salem sitting on the bed next to me the whole time. When I was able to open my eyes for a couple of moments I saw Dean sitting at the table looking worried, Orion blamed herself because I went to the store to get the hair dye for her. Sam would attend to my cut every couple of hours. Eric sat on the couch suggesting ideas like he could feed me his blood to heal me but Cas quickly opposed that because there was a chance that it could kill me. 

When I finally felt strong enough I sat up on the bed, Salem and Orion were the only ones in the room at that time. Salem told Orion to get the boys, Orion quickly got off the couch and called the boys. Apparently they were picking my truck up from CVS. 

"What the hell were you thinking! Smiting a demon, really?" Salem yelled.

"I'm fine."

"I don't think bleeding out is considered fine. If Sam hadn't sewn you up who knows what would have happened." Salem said calmly sounding a little worried.

Dean and Sam entered the room and falling them were Eric and Orion. I didn't see Cas anywhere but I wasn't really worried about that.

"Look who lives." Dean laughed.

"Sore but alive." I joked.

Sam came to the side of the bed and Salem moved out of his way. He had a bottle of alcohol in his hand but I know he wasn't planning on drinking it. "He let me see." Sam said as he lifted up the side of my shirt. Sam poured some of the alcohol on my side and it began to burn.

I winced from the burn but didn't say anything. Sam placed new gauze over the stitches and moved away from the bed.

"When are we going on the next case?" I asked.

"Oh no. You are staying here and getting better. Sam can stay here with you while Salem, Orion and I take this one. It's only a rugaru." Dean answered me.

Dean, Salem and Orion left the motel to head to the rugaru case while Sam and I went to go get a couple of motel rooms that were closest to the case. It was only an hour away so the drive wasn't too bad. Sam was in the room on the computer so I decided to go to sleep.

A Fallen AngelWhere stories live. Discover now