Home Bound.

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Sam woke up in a scream waking both Dean and me up. I jumped up from the couch and ran over to him

"Sam, what is it?" I asked.

"A dream, it felt so real." He said to me then turned to Dean and said "We need to go home."

"Wait, you guys have a house? Why have we been staying in motels all this time?" I asked.

"It's not our house anymore. He means Lawrence, Kansas." Dean added.

"Oh okay." I said quietly.

Sam explained his dream to Dean and me so we decided to head to Lawrence in the morning. The new family that lived there and Sam saw it in his dream. There was something odd about it. I've noticed Sam having headaches more and more lately but never thought anything of it and now he was having a dream about someone getting hurt in his old house, there was definitely something more going on I thought to myself.

When we got to Lawrence, Same wanted to go straight to their old house. Dean knocked on the door and a girl about 30 years old answered the door. Dean began his ritual speach about being a federal agent before Sam cut him off.

"We actually used to live here. We were driving through town and wanted to visit our childhood home. If that's okay with you." Sam stated.

"Oh yes, come in. I think I found some old pictures of you guys the other day." the girl said as opened the door wider. "I'm Jenny."

"I'm Sam, that's my brother Dean and that's Sariel, she's a family friend." Sam told her.

"Sariel? Like the archangel of guidance?" Jenny asked.

"My parents were hardcore Christians." I informed her trying to get off the topic of my name.

We walked into the kitchen and the was a little girl sitting on the floor drawing. It looked like a person on fire, I shook off the strange feeling it gave me. The was also a little boy in a play pin jumping for juice.

"That's Sari, and Richie." Jenny told us and then she turned to Sari and said "These guys used to live here when they were younger."

"About your age actually." I added in smiling at the little girl.

She smiled back at me then asked "Was there a fire monster when you lived here?"

"Sari, there's no fire monster in your closet." Jenny interrupted.

"Well, we better be going. Could we stop over tomorrow and pick up the pictures?" Dean asked.

"Yeah, that works." Jenny said.

We began walking to the front door then Sari grabbed my hand. She placed a folded up drawing in my hand and pulled me down to her and whisperd "It's the monster."

Once we got back to the motel I unfolded the picture. It was a person made out of flames. I remembered Dean telling me about the story of how his mom died, was there a chance of it being the same thing?

Dean walked out of the motel room and Sam bent over grabbing his forehead. I ran over to him and crouched down.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"It's just a migraine." Sam answered.

"That's more than just a migraine. Tell me what's going on." I place my hands on Sam's face and he looked at my with a puzzled look. I yanked my hands away from him.

"What did you just do?" Sam asked. "The pain is gone." 

"I didn't do it." I stuttered.

"Yes you did. Pain doesn't just go away like that. What are you?" Sam's voice began to raise as he asked me.

"Look Sam, I'm not a monster." I answered him.

"What are you?" He asked again standing over me.

I looked up at him then stood. "We all have our secrets. Like whatever is going on with you."

"I have fucking visions when someone dies, I can't take people's pain away amd whatever else you can do." Sam began shouting.

"You get visions? That's not good." I said trying to change the topic.

"Are you a demon?" Sam asked.

"No! Actually the complete opposite." I answered looking down at my hands.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Sam questioned stepping closer to me.

"I'm an angel." I finally told him.

"That can't be possible. Angels aren't real." Sam said.

"You believe in God and in demons along with everything else you hunt but an angel is drawing the line?" I shouted.

"I guess not. Sorry I called you a demon, that's would be offensive, I think." Sam apologized.

"It is." I said sternly as I walked over to the bed.

"Does Dean know?" Sam asked.

"No, he can't. You weren't supposed to find out." I told him.

Sam walked over to the bed taking in everything he just found out. He sat down and ran his hand through his hand.

"You secret is safe with me as long as you keep my secret." Sam finally said.

"Okay." I said quietly still looking down at my hands that were knotted together.

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