Happy Birthday!

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~Salem's POV~

Dean still wasn't talking to me, not even about the case. I know what I did was wrong but I thought we would have talked about it by now.

"How much longer?" Orion asked grabbing my attention.


"Until we get rid of this thing." Orion said looking out the window.

"He's hasn't even killed anyone yet." I pointed out.

"That's because he's just starting to turn. Soon he's not going to be able to control his hunger for human flesh." Orion stated.

"How do you know so much about Rugarus? And how do we kill them?" Dean asked.

"Let's just say they're in my family and you gotta burn them." Orion said coldly so Dean and I dropped the subject.

Dean turned on the radio to break the silence but it didn't make things achy better because "Hungry Like A Wolf" started playing. I turned the radio off quickly and Dean gave me a bitchface.

We arrived at Jack's house about ready to go talk to him when Dean turned to me said, “Alright so we’re gonna go have a little chat with this guy, which you know, I’m down. But I just wanna make sure if push comes, you’re gonna shove."

"Meaning?" I asked.

"Well odds are, we’re gonna have to burn this guy alive." Dean said bluntly.

"This guy has a name and a wife." I snapped starting to get irritated.

"Yeah, who we’re probably gonna make a widow, okay? I mean you heard Orion." Dean replied.

"They alway turn Salem, trust me. I know from personal experience." Orion added in.

I knew that he was going to turn but I was tired of everyone doubt someone. I'm sure I was relating this more towards me than Jack but it was still the same thing. I got out of the car and went to the trunk to get the home made flame throwers. Orion got out quickly after and so did Dean.

We got our flame throwers and went inside. Jack and his wife were tied up and there was another hunter standing in front of them.

"Travis?" Orion stated. "What are you doing? Leave the wife alone."

"I can't, it's too late." The man said getting ready to set both of them on fire. "Tell them why it's too late."

"I'm pregnant." The woman cried and Orion's face fell.

Out of nowhere Jack got out of the ties and attacked Travis. He bit into his neck and blood began to pour out one the rug. Jack looked up but he looked different. His eyes were red and his whole face was purplish and filled with veins.

Jack got up and went after Dean, he threw Dean into a table making him unconscious. I went to ready my flame thrower but Jack came after me, he threw me into a closet and looked it.

As I was in there I heard a piercing scream come from Orion. I kicked at the door until it flew open.

Jack was standing over Orion and she was bleeding. Before Jack had time to react I set him into flame.

~Sariel's POV~

When I entered the motel room there was a small box sitting on the bed with a card. No one was in the room so I went to go check it out. The card and the box said To Sariel on them. Before I could open the box Sam entered the room.

"Are you going to open them?" Sam asked.

"They're from you?" I asked as I picked up the box.

"Yup." Sam answered me.

As I opened the box I saw a necklace. The necklace was a diamond studded yin yang symbol. Sam got me this because yin yang means how two things work together to make a whole, yin yang normally has to deal with nature but for me it was earth and heaven. A piece was in each to represent how they are apart of one another and I was apart of both now.

"This is great but why?" I asked as I looked up at Sam.

"Because it's your birthday." Sam said. "Here, let me put that on for you."

Sam took the box from me as I took the card. As Sam was putting on my necklace I went to read the card but was interrupted.

"Um, Sariel can I talk to you." I read Castiel said from behind us.

I slipped the card in my back pocket to save it until later then thanked Sam for the gift. He was the only person other than Cas that knew it was my birthday.

Cas and I left the room and he was holding a box. He handed me the box and said it was my gift. Cas was never the best at giving gifts but he tried. When I open the box I pulled out a large tan trench coat, almost exactly like the one Cas wore.

"Thank you, it's great." I told him as I smiled.

"You are welcome." Cas told me. I gave Cas a kiss on the cheek when my phone started to ring, it was Salem.

"Hello?...Wait, what's going on?...Hold on, I'll send Cas." I said then hung up and looked at Cas. "It's the rugaru case, Orion was bitten and she's bleeding out. Can you go help them?"

"Of course." Cas said then was gone.

I knew I should have went but they wouldn't let me because of my cut. After Cas left I went back inside to tell Sam about what happened. There was nothing we could do so we waited for some news.

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