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~ Sariel's POV~

The girl was still asleep four hours later. Dean had drifted back asleep, leaving Orion, Sam and myself awake. Eric had slept the whole night. I got up and excused myself then went outside.

The sun was just starting to rise so the sky was filled with oranges and yellows. The door the the motel room opened and Sam exited the room. He walked over to me and leaned up against the wall without saying anything. We stood like that for about ten minutes.

"I love you Sariel." Sam finally said breaking the silence. "You might not feel the same way but I wanted you to know.

I looked at Sam but didn't say anything. I placed my hand in his neck pulling him down to me meet as I stood on my toes then kissed him. He placed his hands on my waist and pulled me close. When we finally parted I said, "I love you too Sam."

We stood there, looking each other in the eyes only a short distance away from each other. Both of us were smiling and holding hands.

There was a sound coming from the room, almost sounding like a scream. We ran into the room and Dean was now awake and hold his hand to his nose which was bleeding. The girl was walking and swinging in all directions.

"Calm down." I told her.

She let out an ear piercing scream then said, "Where am I?"

"Just calm down and we will explain everything." I told her.

She picked up the nearest phonebook and threw it at me, I ducked out of the way and it hit Dean in the nose. "Bitch!" He shouted.

The girl ran past me but Sam grabbed her waist and held her in the air. She threw her elbow back and hit him in the mouth. I walked over to her and touched her forehead and she instantly calmed down.

"Do you remember anything that has happened in the last year?" I asked.

"Bits and pieces." She replied.

"Any thing specific?" Dean added in, still holding something to his nose.

"Something about seals and the vessels. I don't know. I'm obviously going crazy." She told us.

"Okay, do you remember where you are from?" I asked.

She told us where she was originally from so I brought her there and went back to the room. Dean's nose was still bleeding so I went to check it out.

"She broke my nose. I can't believe she broke my nose." Dean complained.

"Here." I said as I placed two fingers on his forehead. His nose healed so I removed my fingers.

"What did she mean by seals and vessels?" Eric asked. I almost forgot that he was in the room.

"It's nothing." I lied.

"Really? Cause when she said that you should have seen your face. Didn't look like nothing to me." Eric added.

"I'm sure, I have to go. I'll be back later." I said then I was gone.

~Salem's POV~

Crowley was asleep and I really needed to get out of Hell for a little bit. I missed Earth, I missed Dean, I missed Sam, I missed Sariel, I missed Orion and to my surprise I even missed Eric. SO I left Crowley a note saying that I went out but I WIIL be back. 

I appeared outside an old motel that they were all probably staying in, I knocked on the door and Orion answered. Before I knew it I was in Orion's arms trying to breathe because she was hugging me so tightly. Sam came over and gave me a quick hug, Eric and Dean both stayed on the other side of the room. 

"Hey guys." I smiled. 

"Your old enough to be your father boyfriend actually let you out of Hell?" Dean chuckled as he said that. 

"Where's Sari?" I asked, totally avoiding Dean's comment. 

"She just left actually." Sam said. 

"She's hiding something." Dean said and that caught my attention.

I turned to Dean and asked, "What do you mean?" 

"Something about seals and vessels." Dean stated. I thought about it and then I remembered. "You know something, don't you?" Dean asked. 

"I'm not really sure that you want to know." I said. 

"If you know something, tell us." Orion added.

"Okay." I said then sat down. "It is said that there are 66 that need to be broken to set Luci free from the cage that Michael put him in." I started off. 

"Luci?" Sam questioned. 

"Lucifer, anyways the first seal that need to be broken is that a righteous man is to shed blood in Hell." I paused and thought about when Dean started torturing, chills went up my spine. "There are also two vessels. One for Luci and one for Michael. If Luci gets out of the cage it is said that an apocalypse is going to come." 

"Do you know who the two vessels are?" Dean asked.

"No, only angels the true vessels." I told them.

"Why?" Sam asked.

"Because demons go into whomever they want, angels on the other hand have to ask permission." I told them. "Like Castiel had to get permission to enter that body."

"What happens to the person? What about you and Sariel?" Dean asked me.

"We're different. There were no souls in the bodies that Sariel and I were casted into. Normally the person is in the body as well or they are dead. Like Jimmy Novack, Castiel's vessel, ge was alive at first but when Castiel was out of the body something happened to him. Jimmy gave Castiel his body, completely and forever to make sure his family was safe."

"How do you know so much? It's like you're Yoda." Dean stated.

"You learn some things with time." I told them. "Wait, are you calling my old and green?"

"No." Dean said.

After I explained everything to the boys I left them and went back to Hell. I don't know if it was from being on Earth again or I was just getting sick but I know that I wasn't feeling well.

When I got to Hell the smell made me sick so I ran into the bathroom and emptied my stomach. Crowley came in and held my hair out of my face.

"Are you okay, Darling?" Crowley asked.

"I'm fine, it's probably nothing." I said as I wiped my mouth with the towel Crowley gave me. When I was done I brushed my teeth and laid down. It wasn't long before I was asleep.

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