My Guardian Angel.

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~ Sariel's POV~

It was nice to be able to go back to Heaven whenever I wanted to. While I was up there I had a strange feeling and I knew that it had to do with Sam. I quickly left and appeared in a motel room. The first thing I saw was Ruby on top of Sam, they were kissing. I walked over to Ruby and pulled her off of him and held her up against the wall.

"Leave." I ordered.

"Or what?" Ruby asked.

"You do not want to find out." I told her and with that she was gone.

Sam got up from the bed and asked, "What are you doing?"

"My job." I said calmly.

"Ruby is here to help." Sam replied.

"I do not understand how that is even considerable as help." Sam didn't say anything. "Stay away from demons."

"What happened to you?" Sam questioned.

"I am trying to fix what I have messed up."

"That's not what I mean."

"I am an angel. A full angel now." I said then was gone.

Castiel was waiting for me when I got to Heaven. He had been searching for ways to save Dean but didn't find anything. No one has ever saved someone from Hell before.

"All of this is my fault. Ruby is up to something with Sam." I stated.

"What do you mean?" Castiel asked.

"Ruby is seducing Sam."

"You have to put an end to that, leave Dean's situation to me. I am his guardian angel." Castiel told me.

"I know this. She will not be back, let us just focus on this." I said while opening up an old book from my top shelf.

~Sam's POV~

Sariel wasn't herself anymore and she was technically the cause of my brother's death so it was time to move on. Time to figure out how to save Dean.

"You need to handle your angel." I heard Ruby say.

"She's not my angel."

"She is YOUR guardian angel but who cares. Are you ready?" Ruby asked.

"You said that this will make me stronger, right?"

"Would I lie to you?" Ruby said as she pulled a knife from her boot. She cut her wrist and held it out to me, I took it slowly and began to drink.

"The nearest demon is a couple towns away." Ruby told me when I finished. I grabbed my things and we left.

Ruby was right about the nearest demon. When we came across him Ruby tied him down inside a devil's trap I had drawn. I was supposed to send him back to Hell, so I put my hand up and started to focus. Black smoke came pouring from the demons mouth, the ground seemed to open up around it and the smoke was gone.

"How'd that feel?" Ruby asked.

"Good, really good actually." I said wiping my nose because it had given me a bloody nose.

Sariel appeared in the room and gave me a look of disappointment ment. She didn't say a word to me but went after Ruby. They began to fight, so I started to draw a symbol that Ruby had showed me. The symbol needed to be made out of blood.

"I told you to leave." Sariel said to Ruby as she hit her.

"I did leave but then I came back." Ruby stated.

As I finished drawing the symbol Sariel placed her hand on Ruby's forehead. Ruby's face began to light up but Ruby pulled an archangel sword from her boot and stabbed Sariel in the stomach. I placed my in the symbol and Sariel was sent out of the room.

"What did you do to her?" I asked Ruby as she feel to her knees.

"She was about to kill me and yet you are asking if she's okay." Ruby said as she slowly stood up. "You seriously need to get your priorities straight." Then she was gone.

I drove back to the motel and went to my room. The last time Sariel was stabbed with an archangel sword she almost died.

"Castiel!" I called out. "Castiel, this is important." I waited for a few moments but still there was nothing. "It involves Sariel."

There was a gust of wind behind me then I heard in a monotone voice, "What did you do?"

"Ruby stabbed Sariel with an archangel sword." I said as I turned to face him.

"You mean the demon that you have a relationship with?" Castiel asked.

"No." I lied.

"I am a celestial being, I can tell when you are lying." Castiel said.

"That's not important." I stated.

Castiel looked at me but didn't say anything then left. Seconds later he was back with Sariel in his arms, she looked week. This time because Sariel was a full angel Castiel was able to heal her.

"I'm sorry." I apologized to her.

She looked at me but didn't say a thing for a few seconds. "You did not listen. That demon is one of the lowest you will meet. She could never save Dean, I can but it will not be for you anymore." She said then her and Castiel left the room.

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