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When I woke up Sam wasn't next to me, he wasn't even in the room. Eric was sitting on the edge of the bed. I looked at him and asked, "What are you doing here?"

"Well, I was uhh, wondering if I could have some more blood. We are going hunting, other vampires I may add and well your blood makes me stronger." Eric said and I just stuck out my wrist. I wanted him out of the room so I could get ready.

Once Eric was done he left and I went to take a shower. The shower was quick so we could head out. I had pulled up my skirt when Sam walked through the door. He was already showered and wearing his suit, he had two coffees in his hand.

"You were sleeping so I decided to get us some coffee." San said handing my drink.

"Thank you." I said then gave him a kiss.

"So Dean and Eric are going to go look for the vampires while we go to the cops. Bobby had another hunter drop off the truck for you so we can take that." Sam informed me.

"Okay, let's go." I said as I slipped into my heals.

While we were talking to the sheriff he informed us that he found a severed head last week and two days ago. Then a girl came in and tapped on her watch.

"Excuse me, times up and I have something to do." The sheriff said as he stood up.

"Just one more question. There have been over a dozen cows found mutilated, do you think there is some connection?" I asked.

"The cows aren't being mutilated. If a cow dies and is in the sun for 48 hours out will spilt open." The sheriff said then walked out of the room.

"Sounds like some demonic ritual."  Sam pointed out.

"It does. Want to go check out the morgue?" I asked.

"Yeah, let's go." Sam replied as he stood up. 

We left the sheriff's office and went to the morgue. There was a guy sitting at the desk, Sam and I both knew that he wasn't going to let us by. I worked up some water works and went to the guy.

"You okay lady?" The man asked.

"No, I was- I was wondering if I could see my sister. She was murdered the other day." I began to cry.

"Okay, you can go see here. I'll leave you alone for a little." Man said as he left the door.

I turned to Sam and smiled as I dried my eyes. We went into the room and walked over to where the head was being kept.

"Those satanist in Florida put signs on the foreheads of the virgins they sacrificed, right?" I asked.

"Yeah, reversed pinnacle on the forehead." Sam stated.

We both new that it wasn't a ritual so when I opened my the box the head and lifted up the lip there were holes inside of the gums.

"Since when do vampires have retractable fangs?" Sam asked.

"Always." I said then put the head back.

We left the morgue and went back to the motel. Dean and Eric were waiting for us so we went into their room. We all argeed that it was vampires. Eric told us that vampires just moved into this town about six months ago but he didn't know where also that bars would be an easy hunting ground.

Once it stated to get dark we went to the bar. The was a man in an orange and brown plaid flannel, smoking a cigarette in the back that gave me the creeps. The man wouldn't stop looking at Eric while we were talking to the bar tender.

The bar tender told us what he knew about the new people into so we left. As we were walking out I noticed that the man was gone. We were walking back to the car when I felt a strange feeling.

I nudged Sam and whispered, "We're being followed."

Sam told Dean and he said he felt it too. When we turned a corner the foot steps stopped. Sam turned back around and shoved the same man that was in the bar up against a wall.

Dean held a knife to the man's thought and said, "Smile, show us those pearly whites."

"Oh for the love of-. You want to stick that some place else. I'm not a vampire." The man said then showed us his gums. "Now who are you guys?"

"I'm Sariel. This is Eric. They are Sam and Dean Winchester." I told him.

"I'm Gordon. Sam and Dean Winchester, I can't believe it. You know I met your old man once, hell of a guy. Great Hunter. I heard  he pasted. I'm sorry. Big shoes but from what I hear you guys fill'em Great trackers, good in a tight spot." The Gordon went on.

"Seem to know a lot about our family." Dean said.

"Word travels fast, you know how hunters talk. I got this case." Gordon said getting into the car. "It was real good meeting you though. I'll buy a drink on the flip side." Then Gordon drove away.

None of us wanted to drop the case so we followed Gordon. He drove to some mill at the edge of the water. Once Gordon was out of sight I tuned into listening. There were sounds of fighting and a saw being turned on. I told the boys and we ran after Gordon.

Gordon was laying down when a vampire nearly cut is head off. Sam dragged him way from the saw. Eric was still full of angel blood and tackled the vampire. Both Eric and Dean fought the vampire. Eric ended up holding the vampire down while Dean sawed off his head.

"So uh, I guess I have to buy you that drink." Gordon laughed.

We all went back to the bar, Dean, Eric and Gordon were getting along great. Sam and I weren't really happy.  They joked about what happened while Sam and I sat there.

"Dean, you gave that big ass fang hell of a hair cut. It was beautiful, absolutely beautiful. Eric, I haven't seen a hunter as quick or strong as you in awhile." Gordon laughed.

"You guys alright Sammy, Sari? Dean asked us both.

"Yeah, I'm fine." We said in unison.

"Then why don't you lighten up abit Sammy?" Gordon said.

"He's the only one that can all me Sammy." Sam said meaning Dean.

Gordon apologized and Sam asked if I wanted to go. Dean threw us the keys to the impala and we left. Sam was quite for the ride home.

When we got back to the motel I went to the bathroom to get cleaned up. After I was done I went back in the room, Sam was on the phone with someone talking about Gordon.

Once he was done I decided to cheer him up. I walked over Sam and sat on his lap. We sat nose to nose until he kissed me. I pushed Sam down on the bed and he took off his shirt. I ran my fingers along his perfectly etched body. He flipped over so he was hovering over me and then he took off my shirt. Sam kissed my neck and my nails went down his back.

We laid in the bed cuddling when Sam's phone went off. He gave me a kiss, put on his pants then left the room to answer the call. A few moments later he came back in the room looking worried. I sat up, pulled the sheet with me and asked, "What's wrong?"

"It was Dean, Gordon took Eric." Sam said quietly not looking at me.

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