Scared To Death: Part Three.

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Dean started pacing around room, almost panicking. Salem went to go calm him down but it wasn't really working.

"What does this mean?" Eric asked, sounding curious.

"That Dean's our biggest clue." Sam stated.

"I don't want to be a clue. I want to stay alive." Dean whined.

"Well what does the wood chip mean?" Orion asked as she approached the sink.

"Cassity and Sons Lumber Mill." I stated.

Sam looked at me then said, "You're a genius." and gave me a quick kiss.

We took my truck and the impala over to the mill. Orion and Eric rode with me and Salem went with the boys. When we arrived, we all got our guns out of my truck then walked over to the impala. Sam popped the trunk open and handed Salem a gun. He grabbed a shotgun then Dean's pistol and went to give it to. Dean but he refused to take it.

"Oh, I'm not carrying that. It could go off." Dean stated as he looked into the trunk. Dean grabbed a flashlight and said as he held it to his chest."I'll man the flashlight."

"You do that Dean." Salem laughed.

Dean took a swig of whiskey, then we began inside. Salem had to stay next to Dean to make sure that he wasn't going to go running off. 

"Look." Sam said as he grabbed Dean's shoulder. Dean nearly jumped out his skin. Sam picked up a ring, there were engravings on it from Frank's wife.

"What the hell was frank doing here?" Dean asked trying to sound tough.

"No clue." Sam answered.

There was a rumbling sound coming from the lockers so Dean point the flashlight to it. Sam mouthed on three and pointed his gun at the locker. Sam mouthed one, two, three and Eric opened the locker. Dean flashed the.light inside and a cat jumped out. Dean let out an ear piercing scream that last for about a minute as the cat ran off.

"That was scary." Dean breathed.

Once Dean's nerves settled we went into the next room. There papers scattered all over the floor as Dean picked up an ID.  "Hey, this is Frank's wife." Dean stated.

"What was she doing here?" I asked.

"No idea." Dean stated as he started roaming around the room again.

He stopped the flashlight at the corner where some ghost was standing. Sam called out to it but it didn't moved. There was a thud and when we turned around Dean had run from the room and the doors were swinging shuts. The ghost turned to show us it's cut up face and stepped towards us, Sam shot the ghost with a round of salt and we looked around for a couple more minutes.

When we got back outside Dean was sitting behind the impala with a bottle of whiskey in his hand. Salem helped him up and into the car. We needed to go change into our "uniforms" because we found something interesting in the mill.

After we were ready Dean, Sam and I left to go talk to the sheriff again .Sam was driving this time not only because Dean had been drinking but because Dean was afraid of getting into a crash.

While we were at the sheriff's office getting the case file we needed, Dean was standing behind scratching his arm.

"Is he...drunk?" The officer asked.

"No." Sam told him and then began to ask about the case file he was looking at, I was to busy trying to make Dean sober without anyone realizing but Dean wasn't easy to deal with.

Sam closed the file and began to leave, Dean stayed for a second to say "You're awesome." to the officer, so I had to grab his arm and pull him to the car. When we got to the car I was able to get Dean sober and he laid down in the backseat.

Sam parked the car and we began to walk to the seriors' home to talk to Luthor Garland's older brother. As we walked around the corner, some lady was walking her yorkie and Dean nearly pissed himself because it.scared him.

"This isn't going to work!" Dean said starting freaking out. "I mean come on, these badges are fake. What if we get caught? We can go to jail! I don't want to go to jail."

"That's if you live that long." I said without thinking and instantly regretted it.

"What?!" Dean cried.

"Dean, shh. Calm down. Deep breaths." Sam said as he glared at me. "Come on."

We talked to Luthor's older brother for about thirty minutes. In that time we found out that Luthor was murdered by Frank because he thought that Luthor did something to his wife when she went missing. Frank dragged Luthor up and down the road by the mill until he was dead, meaning his body parts could be anywhere and we were going to have to find a new way to save Dean.

"You know what, screw this." Dean said as he started to walk away.

"Woah woah woah, Dean come on." Sam said following Dean.

"No, come on Sam. What are we doing?" Dean asked.

"We're hunting a ghost." Sam stated.

"A ghost exactly, who does that!" Dean shouted.

"Us." Sam replied.

 “Us! Right,” Dean stared at him. “And that, Sam, that is exactly why our lives suck! I mean come on, we hunt monsters! What the hell! I mean normal people, they see a monster and they run! But not us, no no no, we search out things that want to kill us! Huh? Huh? Or eat us! You know who does that? Crazy people! We –are insane! You know, and then there’s the bad diner food, and the schemy motel rooms, and the truck-stop waitress with the bizarre rash –I mean who wants this life, Sam? Huh? Seriously! I mean do you actually like being stuck in a car with me, eight hours a day, every single day? I don’t think so! I mean I drive too fast, and I listen to the same five albums over and over and over again and I sing along, I’m annoying, I know that, and you – you’re gassy! You eat half a burrito and you get toxic! I mean, you know what…” Dean ranted. "You forget it." Dean said then walked away some more.

"Dean, where are you going?" Sam asked.

"Stay away from me, Sam. Cause I am done with it!” Dean said, pointing at Sam. “I’m done with the monsters, and the hell hounds, and the ghost sickness, and the damn secretive angels! I’m out, I’m done. I quit." Dean said then walked away.

By the time Dean came back to the motel he only had four hours left until he was supposed to die, again. In the time that he was gone we had already come up with a plan to save him. Dean was out of breath from running back to the motel, something must have spooked him.

Salem offered to stay with Dean while we went to save Dean's life. Eric drove my truck with Orion, while I went with Sam. Sam and I went inside with a chain while Eric waited outside with the truck running. Out of nowhere Luthor began tossing Sam around the room, I tried to help but Luther sent me across the room.

Sam got the chain around Luthor's neck and then shouted, "Punch it, Eric!"

Eric sped off in my truck dragging Luther up the road until he disappeared. Sam helped me up and made sure I was okay. When we got back to the car I called Salem to see how Dean was doing, he went back to normal seconds after Luthor disappeared. We got in the car when I hung up and went back to the motel. I grabbed Sam's hand and rested my head on his shoulder slowly drifting asleep as he drove the impala.

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