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After we picked up Sam we got two motel rooms for the night, I was tired of getting stuck on the couch. While in my room I called for Castiel. It took a few minutes and then he showed up.

"Sariel, what's wrong?" Castiel asked.

"Nothing. I just wanted to talk to you." I answered.

"As much as I want to come see you every time you can I can't. I can't risk being seen by Dean or Samuel." Castiel said professionally.

"He prefers to be called Sam and I know I'm sorry but since you're here can't you stay for a little?" I asked.

"Okay, I'll stay." Castiel answered.

I sat criss crossed on the bed and patted the bed for Castiel sit next me. Once he sat down I decided to just talk to him about everything.

"So whose the vessel?" I asked.

"His name is Jimmy Novak. He gave me permission to use the vessel whenever I come to Earth." Castiel informed me.

"I hope he becomes a permanent vessel cause he's hot." I flirted.

"You don't know how long I've missed you." Castiel said pulling me towards him.

"I've missed you too." I said looking him.

Castiel leaned in and pulled me into a kiss. His kiss was full of passion and longing. There was a sound in the background then Castiel was gone. Dean ran through the door taking in a deep breath then said "Sam's gone. We were at the bar and he went out to the car by the time I got there he was gone."

"Wait, what's going on." I asked standing up from the bed.

"Sam and I were getting a lead on what might be a case and then he was taken. Sam's a fucking moose! He's not going to go easy." Dean panicked.

"Why didn't you tell me about the case?" I asked.

"Sam said to let you sleep but come on. We have to find Sam." Dean said grabbing my hand.

Dean and I arrived at the Sheriff's office as detectives, Dean went by the name Greg Washington and I was Alexis Morgan. After Dean and I got the video tape from the street camera we took it back to the motel to review it.

In the video there was an old truck that made the sound of a monster. The truck showed up around the same time that Sam went missing. I zoomed up on the plates of the truck to get the numbers so I could run the plates. It turned out that the truck had fake plates.

"Look. Let's go follow the tracks of the truck." I suggested.

"Yeah, let's go." Dean said grabbing the keys and rushed out the door. I grabbed his jacket cause he forgot it and followed him.

We followed the tracks down an old dirt road. There was a muddy turn off leading somewhere else.

"Pull off over here." I told Dean.

"We can't just leave baby out in the open." Dean answered.

"We aren't leaving the car here. We don't even know if Sam is back there so you are going to stay here while I check it out." I ordered.

"Fine and she's not just a car!" Dean called out as I headed down the muddy driveway.

There was an old run down house at the end of the driveway. I decided to head up to the house and knock on the door. A younger girl dressed in dirty old clothes answered the door.

"Hi sweetheart, is your mom home?" I asked.

"My mom's dead." she answered blunty.

"I'm sorry to hear that. Is your father home?" I asked.

"That's going to hurt." the little girl said.

"What?" I said turning around to see what she was looking at. There was a man standing in front me with a shovel in his hand. The man raised the shovel and swung at me. The shovel hit me across the head and I fell to the floor unconscious.

When I came to I saw Sam in a cage next to mine.

"Sariel, are you okay?" Sam asked.

"Uh yeah." I mumbled.

"What are you doing here?" Sam questioned.

"I was looking for you." I answered.

"Where's Dean?" Sam asked. Then Dean rushed through the door and came to my cage.

"No, get Sam first." I told him.

"There's some specialized key, I can't get it open. Hold on." Dean said as he left the barn.

"This reminds me of the Wrong Turn movies." I joked.

A few moments later Dean returned bruised and bloody. He unlocked our cages and we rushed out of there. We when got out of the barn the house was on fire. It was to cover up the dead bodies I suspose.

When we got back to the car we were all quiet. Dean drove, Sam in the passenger seat and I was in the back seat of course. After the day I had I decided to curl up on the back seat and lay down. I was tired of acting human and I missed Castiel. I knew I was going to have let him be for a little. Soon after all the thinking I drifted asleep.

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