Fifty Shades of Supernatural.

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~Salem's POV~

"Okay." Dean and I said in unison. Neither of us thought about it, we just wanted to save Sariel.

"What. No. You guys can't do this." Sam protested.

I ignored what Sam said and broke the devil's trap. Crowley smiled at me and whistled. Juliet appeared, she was wagging her tail at me. She was bigger than the last time I saw her but hell hounds don't take long to grow.

"What is Juliet doing here?" I asked.

"Sickem' girl." Crowley ordered.

Juliet attacked Dean and ripped him apart. Dean screamed from the pain, I ordered Juliet to stop but it was to late. Sam looked at me crying and my heart broke. Crowley touched my shoulder and we were back in my room, the one in hell at least.

"What the hell was that!" I shouted. "Juliet didn't need to attack Dean!"

"She didn't needed her to but I wanted her to." Crowley answered me.

I slapped Crowley across the face, he looked at me with a shocked face. "Why are you doing all of this?"

"For you. So we could be together." Crowley said calmly.

"No, you don't kill or torture my friends for me. That was for you."

"I wanted to be with you. " Crowley told me.

"If you want to be with me you buy me Mac Miller cds, horror movies, and cheesecake."

"Mac who?" Crowley asked.

"Nevermind." I said shaking my head because he didn't know who Mac Miller was. "Where is Sariel?"

"Ruby is bringing her to Castiel right now."

"I need to be alone right now."

"Of course." Crowley said and I left the room.

While I was walking around looking for Sariel's grace I heard screaming coming from a room down the hall. Before I got any closer I saw a blue light coming from under a door. When I opened the door I saw Sariel's grace in a jar. I quickly grabbed it and left.

"Sammy!" I heard from down the hall. "Sammy!"

I ran to where the screams were coming from. When I opened the door Dean was tied up with hooks in his skin, keeping him up. He looked at me and I could see the pain.

The hooks were deep in his skin and hard to get out. Once I was finished Dean collapsed on me and I had to hold him up. I moved him to the wall and sat him down.

"Dean." I said holding back the tears.

"Where's Sariel?" He asked.

"With Castiel. I found her grace, I was about to go give it to her but then I found you."

"Go. Her grace is more important." Dean told me.

"Dean, no. You're hurt." I answered him.

"Aren't I always hurt?" He joked. "Now go."

I left Dean to go back to find Sariel, I couldn't be too long because Crowley would figure out that I was gone. Being in hell gave me some of my powers back so I was able to go wherever I wanted.

I appeared at Bobby's as Castiel was carrying Sariel up the the stairs.

"Why is she not healing?" Castiel questioned.

I pulled the jar out of my pocket and Castiel nearly dropped Sariel. We quickly brought Sariel to her room and Castiel took her grace from me.

"You might not want to be here for this." Castiel told me so I left to go back to Hell.

When I got back Crowley was in the room. Mac Miller was playing through the room and a cheesecake was in Crowley's hands with a stack of horror movies on the bed.

"I could get used to him." Crowley said to break the silence. "This song in particular."

"Yeah, goosebumpz is pretty great." I laughed.

Crowley placed the cheesecake down.on the dresser and walked over to me. "I'm sorry, what I did was wrong. I wasn't thinking clearly."

"It's okay."

Crowley leaned down to kiss me and I felt the same connection I have felt before with him. Crowley's had moved to my hips and slowly started to take off my shirt. I lifted my arms and when my shirt was off I began to unbutton his shirt. Crowley's lips moved to my neck and I ran my fingers threw his hair.

Before I knew it we moved to the bed pantless and all. Crowley knew exactly what to do. There was no way I could be mad at him when we did things like that.

~Orion's POV~

Sam picked up Dean's body and walked out of the room. I heard the impala turn on and drive off. Eric turned to me and said, "I know it's a little insensitive but want to learn how to be a vampire?"

"Um, sure. There's nothing else we can do." I told him.

"First here." Eric said giving me a ring. "I'm not proposing or anything, you'll need it to go out in the sun."

"You scared me for a second." I joked as I put on the ring.

We went outside and Eric showed me how fast we really were and our strength. He was stonger because he was an actual original.

After a couple of hours it started to get hot. I went to get a drink of water and when I came back outside Eric was taking off his shirt. I was behind him so I saw his back muscles and I couldn't help but stare.

Eric turned around, saw me looking and said, "What?"

"You're just so..." I stammered.

Bobby turned on the radio from inside. "Can't Fight This Feeling" by REO Speedwagon began playing. Eric laughed and said, "You're horny aren't you?"

"Yes, but why?"

"It's a vampire thing." Eric stated all cocky like. Eric walked up the stairs and then whispered in my ear. "I can fix that."


Eric grabbed my hand and lead me to the spare bedroom. He shut the door and locked it behind him. Eric turned and pinned me up against the wall with incredible force, making me want him more. He started on my neck and I lost it, throwing him back in the bed.

I moved on top of him and he quickly flipped us so he was on top. He ripped my shirt off of me and I went to undo his pants. His hands moved up my arms and he grabbed my hands as he nipped at my neck.

My moans were no match to the sound of the headboard banging against the wall, causing the pictures (that I didn't have time to or the interest in looking at) to fall on the floor. The squeaking of the bedsprings was only motivation for Eric.

When we were finished we sat together with Eric's arm around me. There was a knock on the door and Bobby walked in. He sort laughed and shook his head at the same time.

"Next, be a little quieter. The neighbors thought I was remodeling and the neighbors are a couple hundred feet away." Bobby stated and then walked out of the room. We both couldn't help but laugh.

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