Only The Good Die Young.

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We drove all through the night and into the morning to get to Wyoming. Eric said that something big was going down in Wyoming with Azazel and that we were going to meet a couple of friends at a motel only fifteen minutes away from Cowboy cemetery. 

Once we got to the motel and checked in we all grouped in one room, a couple moments later Bobby entered with a women I have never seen before. She had light brown hair and wore a green jacket that almost looked like Dean's, the women wore boots like everyone else here except Eric. I could tell that she was a hunter from first glance. 

"Hello, I'm Ellen." She introduced herself to Orion and me then went on to give a hug to Sam, Dean, Salem and Eric. 

"Sariel." I smiled at her. "This is Orion." 

"You can call her Sari for short." Bobby quickly added in.

"So, what's so important?" Dean asked obviously eager to kill Azazel. 

Bobby pulled out a map from his back pocket and laid it out on the table. "Demonic omens have been have skyrocketed in this area over the last couple of days but avoided this area." Bobby said as he drew a circle on the map. "I'm not really sure what it means but I know it's not going to be good." 

"Hold on." I said as I took the map and pencil away from Bobby. "There are railroad tracks in this area. They are called Colt's railroad line." I added. 

"Like Samuel Colt?" Dean asked.

"Exactly. There are also five abandon churches inside of these railroad lines." I began to draw lines that connected each of the churches. It formed a star on the map and there was also another railroad track circling the churches. 

"That's a giant Devil's trap." Salem pointed out. 

"Made of pure iron." I added. Everything went dark for a moment and I fell to the floor. When I opened my eyes again Sam and Bobby were at my side helping me up again. "It's to protect one of the gates of Hell." 

Everyone went quiet because they all knew what Azazel was trying to do. He wanted to open the gates of Hell to let all the demons out. For the rest of the day we began to work out the perfect plan to  stop this from happening. Around eleven we were finished and all decided to go to bed. The girls were in one room while the boys were in another. 

Orion asked me if I could dye her hair before we went to bed so I did as I promised. An hour later Orion came out of the bathroom drying her newly red hair. It was bright and hard to miss but looked great on her. "I love it." Orion said gleefully. 

"Well go show the boys." I told her and she walked out of the room practically dancing. Not even a minute after she left there was a gun shot. Salem and I jumped off of the beds and ran to outside. A tall lanky man was standing in front of Orion who was now on the floor, black smoke poured out of his mouth and Salem and I ran to Orion. Dean and the boys came out of the room moments later. I tried to heal her but it wasn't working. 

"Eric!" I yelled as tears came pouring from my eyes. Even though we just met she was already family. 

"What?" Eric said then he saw Orion and quickly came over. 

"I can't heal her, but she's alive. Help." I pleaded.

Eric bit into his wrist and made Orion drink his blood. Unlike normal vampires this wasn't going to kill her. Moments later Orion opened her eyes and said, "I swear I'm a death magnet." 

All of us laughed and Salem and I helped Orion to her feet. Orion need to rest to get all of her strength back so made her go to bed. I was too shaken up to sleep so I went and sat on the bed of my truck. Everyone was asleep so I pulled out the card Sam gave me for my birthday and decided to read it. The card simply read Happy Birthday Sari but a letter fell out between the pages. 

Dear Sariel,

Even though things were just starting out between us everything was great. I haven't felt a connection like that with someone in awhile. I know you hate celebrating your birthday but I'm glad that we could spend it together, even just as friends. The necklace was to let you know that you are not only apart of Heaven but apart of Earth as well. As my final gift for you, I am going to back off and let you and Castiel have a second chance. Happy Birthday Angel.


By the end of the letter I found myself in tears. I folded up the letter and put it back in my pocket as I looked up at the stars.

Eric shook me awake but I didn't even realize that I had fallen asleep. "It's almost time to go." Eric told me.

I nodded him off so I could quickly take a shower. Once I was clean I put on my black skinny jeans and a red sweater with my boots. I brushed out my curls then went to meet everyone outside.

"Why'd you sleep outside?" Sam asked me as I approached the cars.

I pulled out the the note that I put in my pants pocket after my shower. Sam didn't say anything else so I placed it back in my pocket. Eric walked over to us and said. "So it's now or never. Azazel is having something open the gates for him because we all know that he can't get near it."

"Who is riding with me?" I asked.

"Me and Salem." Eric told me.

"Well let's go then." I smiled.

We all got into the cars and drove to the cemetery. The car ride was short and quiet. Eric gave us directions and told us the perfect place to park so no one could see our cars.

We all got out and got ready. Salem had her gun, Eric had bows made of silver, Dean had his own gun as did Sam, Orion had the demon blade and I had my gun. Bobby stepped out of his car, shot gun in hand, while Ellen pulled a pistol from her back. We began our way to the middle of the cemetery, when were got there a man in an army uniform stood in front of a crypt.

We pulled out our guns and the man turned to face us. He pulled out the colt that Dean had lost somewhere along the way. The man had us all put down our guns just by telling us to. "You'd be amazing at what you could do if you were to let the power in Sam." The man said.

"How do you know my name?" Sam asked but the guy ignored him. He walked over to the crypt and placed the colt inside the center. There was a loud tumbling sound as if gears were turning, Sam reached for his gun then shot the guy in the back four times.

Everyone was in shock about what just happened but we all hid behind what we could find because the door was opening and demons came pouring out of the door. Salem was the first to run to try and shut the door so we all followed her.

The power of the doors opening and all of the demons must have broke the devil's trap because before we knew it Azazel was standing before us. Dean pulled the colt out of the whole and shot at Azazel but missed. Dean barely missed but Azazel sent Dean flying into a headstone. Sam ran over to Dean and Azazel just pinned him against a wall.

Azazel had the gun in his hand and was pointing it at Dean. Both Salem and Orion were crying out for Azazel to leave Dean alone but he ignored them. A familiar face appeared behind Azazel and shoved him causing him to let the gun go. Dean quickly grabbed the gun and pointed it at Azazel.

The gun didn't phase Azazel because all he did was laugh. Dean pulled the trigger and the last bullet hit Azazel between the eyes. The gun shot lite up blue and yellow then Azazel fell to the floor. The man who had shoved Azazel was John Winchester. He walked over to Dean and placed his hand on his.shoulder. "I'm proud of you boy." John said to Dean. "Just like I am proud of you." John said to Sam this time. John turned to all of us and said, "Take care of my boys." There was a bright light then John was gone.

Bobby, Ellen, Orion, Salem and I managed to get the door shut. We were all standing in the cemetery when a demon appeared behind Orion. Before any of us had time to react the demon placed his hands on Orion's head a twisted. Orion's neck snapped and she fell limp on the ground.

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