You are?

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Sam, Dean and I all sat at a booth in some random diner in some random town that we stumbled upon after we left the Miller house. We sat in silence, Same was busy on his computer looking for another case, Dean sat there reading the newspaper and I decided to order some food. I got up from the table and Dean said, "Hey, where you going?"

"To get us some food." I answered him as I walked away.

The chick behind the diner bar looked up at me and smiled.

"Can you send a waitress over to our table?" I asked.

"Sure thang darlin'" She spoke with a southern accent.

"Thanks." I said then gave her a smile and walked back to the booth.

The boys were talking about a Daniel Elkins when I walked up. Dean grabbed his father's journal and opened it. He pointed at it and said "I knew that name sounded familiar. Dad knew him."

"Let's go check it out then" Sam replied.

I was lost so I asked, "What are we going to check out?"

"The was a hunter named Daniel Elkins that my dad knew. Apparently he was mauled in his home." Dean told me.

Before our conversation could go on any longer a waitress walked up to the table to take our orders. I ordered an egg white omelet with steamed broccoli, Sam ordered the same and Dean ordered pancakes with bacon, eggs and sausage on the side. He could really eat.

"So how's your shoulder?" Dean asked with a mouth full of pancake.

"There's pain but the bleeding stopped so I will be fine." I told him.

"Good. Did you ever realize how formal you are?" Dean asked.

"It was how I was raised." I said as  pushed a piece of broccoli to the side.

We all finished the rest of our meals in silence. Once we were all done with our meals we left to go to Daniel's place. While we were driving Dean got a phone. The conversation was short and to the point.

"We gotta pick something up before we go to Daniel's." Dean stated.

"What?" I asked.

"You'll see." Dean said.

"I think you'll like it." Sam added being very vague.

We continued to drive for about 30 minutes until Dean stopped in front of a diner. A girl walked out wearing black leather boots up to her knees, a pair of skinny jeans and a Jack Daniels t-shirt. She had long brown hair that fell over her shoulders and she headed straight towards the car.

The door opened and she jumped into the back seat right next to me then said as she leaned forward and gave Dean a kiss."Hey babe, sorry that case took longer than expected. So who's the new girl?"

"I'm Sariel Blake." I told her.

"Like archangel of guidance?" She asked.

Seems like more people knew about me then I thought. "My parents were hardcore Christians." I told her.

"I can tell. Well I'm Salem." she said as she puy her hand out.

I took her hand and shook it. As I took her hand there was a strange feeling, she felt it too by the look on her face. She looked at me but didn't say anything.

"So how'd the case go?" Sam asked distracting us from the awkward moment.

"Oh you know, the usual." Salem stated.

Night fell by the time we made it to Daniel's. As I opened the door I noticed a protection circle made of salt and a devil's trap was drawn on the floor. We walked around the house looking for clues. Dean and Salem were hand in hand looking like an actual couple.

I noticed a stange scratching on the floor. They were numbers so I grabbed a piece of paper and pencil and scetched over then.

"Hey guys, look at this." I called out and showed them the numbers.

"Let me see that." Dean said grabbing the paper from my hands.

"Sam, could you figure out what these are for?" Dean asked.

"Probably, just give me a moment." Sam said walking over to the computer. A few minutes later he said. "They're for a mail box."

"Let's go check it out." Salem called out.

We left Daniel's and headed towards the mail box. Colorado was new to us so it took us a little bit to find the place. Once we got to the mail box there was a letter inside, it had JW written on it. Dean grabbed the letter and walked outside. We all followed him out to the car.

"Should we open it?"  Sam asked.

"It's addressed to dad." Dean told him.

"He's not here." Sam stated the obvious.

"It doesn't matter." Dean said.

"You're always doing what he wants." Sam argued.

"He's our father." Dean snapped.

"Babe, calm down." Salem said to Dean, then tk Sam she said. "We don't need to be arguing right now, from what I can tell we're in the middle of a case."

There was a knock on the window and a man was standing outside of the Impala. He was older than the boys and scruffy. The man resembled Sam and Dean but more so Dean. As the man stood by the car the boys' jaw dropped. Who was this man?

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