Hell Hounds.

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~Sariel's POV~

After John's death we all went back to the cabin. Dean and Salem shared a room, Sam and I shared a room and Eric slept out on the couch. There wasn't much talking going on between any of us. Sam was always on the computer looking for a case, Dean was busy fixing up the impala, Salem was dealing with personal problems and Eric would go out for runs during the night or go get more blood bags when he was running low.

While I was cooking dinner Sam said "Hey Sariel, check this out. It seems like our sort of thing. Nineteen people have reported black wild dogs going after them. They were all dead two days later."

"It seems like our kind of thing. Want to check it out?"

"Sure." Sam answered.

"We'll leave after dinner. Will you let Eric know?"

"A vampire that's a hunter? Who would have thought." Sam said as he went to go find Eric.

While I was putting the finishing touches on dinner Salem came out of the room. She gave me a weak smile then walked out the front door, only to return a minute later.

"You need any help?" Salem asked.

"You can cook?"

"I was talking about the case but yeah, I can cook." She stated.

"No, we'll be fine."

"Look, we're going to have to get along sooner or later." Salem snapped.

"Let me know when you choose between Dean and Crowley." I turned to see Dean standing in the hallway. He had been listening to everything that was said.

You could see the hurt from Dean's expression. He just turned and left the room, Salem quickly followed him out but he was already gone so she went off somewhere else.

Sam and Eric entered the room looking confused.

"What was all that about?" Eric asked.

"Nothing. Here." I handed both of them a plate and I took my food elsewhere. Honestly I haven't been hungry lately but I was going to need to keep my strength up for the case.

There was a knock on the door, then Sam entered. "You okay? You seem a bit off lately." 

"We all have been but I'm fine." I answered him. "We should leave soon."

"Okay." Sam answered.

We grabbed all of the things that we might need and headed out to the truck. I drove, Sam got the passenger seat, while Eric hopped in the back.

As we were driving Eric complained "Can we listen to music or something?"

Sam turned on the radio and Continued Addicted by Saving Abel began to play. He looked at me with a puzzled face then said, "You a rocker? Never would've guessed."

"There's a lot that you have yet to learn about." I joked.

We pulled into the closest motel, after I parked the truck Sam went to go check in. Eric hopped out of the truck and walked over to me. He flashed a smile the elbowed me in the arm. "Soooooo, what's going on there?"

"What do you mean?" I asked even though I knew exactly what he meant.

"Don't play stupid with me." Eric stated. "There's obviously something between you guys." 

"You're crazy." I said as I rolled my eyes and walked away. Sam came back with two keys. He gave one to Eric and kept the other one.

"Who am I bunking with?" I asked.

"Me." Sam smiled. 

Eric got settled in his room then came over to mine and Sam's. He didn't knock on the door, he just walked in. Sam was sitting at the tabled on his computer again while I sat on the bed flipping threw the channels. Not much was on so I decided to watch NCIS, I used to watch it all the time with my mother. I haven't talked her since my twenty first birthday. She found out that I was an angel but she that I was something else. She didn't believe that angels could be sent into a vessel. My dad on the other hand believed me completely but my mom made him cut off all contact with me.

There was a scream a couple of rooms down that brought me back to reality. Sam, Eric and I got up and ran to the room that the scream had come from. Sam had a bag with him.

 "What's wrong?" I asked.

"A- a dog is coming after me." The woman screamed. The was a growl coming from out side of the door but we didn't see anything. Sam pulled out salt from his bag then began salting the the door and windows, I grabbed another thing of salt and made a circle with it. 

"Get in!" I ordered her.

"What is a circle of salt going to do?" The lady wondered. 

"You'll be surprised." Eric said.

Before Sam had time to finish the last window it broke open. There were growls and scratch marks surrounding the girl. Sam and I got into the circle but Eric didn't. He pulled out a knife and walked backwards.

"What are you doing Eric? Get in the circle." I began to shout.

"Don't worry about me." Eric said as he began whistling. "I can see the dog." 

"I can too but that doesn't mean I know how to kill it. That's a Hell Hound." 

Eric didn't answer me, he just picked up the nearest object and threw it at the dog. Sam and the other girl in the circle couldn't see the Hell Hound because they were human, only someone supernatural can. 

The Hell Hound growled again and turned to face Eric. The Hell Hound sprinted after him and Eric took off. Outside of the motel room there was a yelp from the dog and a scream from Eric. I bolted outside to see Eric on the ground covered in blood. The was a gash on his arm and that was the only one I could see because the Hell Hound laid on top of him.

~Salem's POV~

I went back to the cabin because I was tired of walking, tired of crying, and tired of searching for someone who didn't want to be found. Dean wasn't supposed to find out about Crowley. I wasn't even sure what was going on with him myself. As much as I wanted to be pissed at Sariel for bringing up the Crowley thing I couldn't be because that was my own doing. 

When I walked up the driveway to the cabin I saw the impala sitting there, that meant Dean was back. I slowly walked up the stairs afraid of what was about to happen. As I opened there I saw Dean saw at the table with a bottle of whiskey in front of him.

Before I could say anything Dean stood up and slurred. "Who is Crowley?"

I looked down and didn't reply. "Who is he!" Dean shouted startling me.

"Technically he's my husband." I finally said.

"Husband? You're married!" Dean shouted again.

"Not anymore." 

"You just said that he was your husband. Now he's not. Why would you need to choose between us?" Dean said softly, you could tell that he was hurt. 

"Dean. Please." I said as I walked over towards him but he turned his back to me. 

"I've put more into this relationship than you will probably ever realize. This is the exact reason why I don't do this type of shit. I thought you were different." Dean said as his voice cracked.

"I am different."

"No, actually you aren't. I'm sorry Salem but I'm done with this" Dean said then walked out of the cabin.

I fell into the chair next to me and began crying. Everything has changed so quickly. What was going to happen next?

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