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Dean walked in the motel and stood at the door. He waited for a minute then asked "Uh...what's going on here?"

Sam jumped up from the bed and quickly said, "Nothing, why? Where were you?"

"I had a phone call to take." Dean said skeptically. "Was Sammy having a moment?"

"No, it's not like that." Sam said.

"We were talking about your dad. Sam said something about your dad going to a pshyic after your mom. Then on the first page of your dad's journal it says, I went to Missouri.  There is a pshyic named Missouri here in Lawrence." I added in to change the topic.

Sam, Dean and I drove over to where Missouri's shop was set up. Missouri told us about John and how she was keeping an eye on the old Winchester place. She said that there no deaths or supernatural activity was happening around the house.

We convinced Missouri to go check out the house to get a vibe from it. Jenny didn't want to let us in at first but Missouri worked her magic and we were inside. After walking around the house Missouri said that there was two spirits in the house. The house was needed to purified and Jenny and the kids needed to get out of the house.

Missouri gave Dean, Sam and me bags to in the northern, eastern, southern and western parts of the house. Once it was done we told Jenny that she was safe to go home.

Back at the motel I decided to get a room of my own for the night. I was laying down when Castiel showed up at the end of my bed.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Sam knows. How did he find out." Castiel answered my question with a question.

"I accidentally took his pain away." I answered looking down at my hands.

"What does he know?" Castiel asked starting to pace around the room.

I crawled off the bed and stood in front of him. "Cas, calm down. He only knows about me. Sam can keep a secret." I said trying calm him down.

"I'll take your word for it." Castiel said as he sat down on the bed.

I walked over to him and stood between his legs while looking down at him I said "You over think things."

"I know. I'm sorry." Castiel apologized.

To lighten the mood I leaned down and kissed him. In one swift move I was laying down on the bed and Castiel was leaning over me. He kissed my neck to my lips.

"Do you know how much I've missed you?" Cas said between kisses.

"I've missed you too." I replied as I kissed back.

There was a knock on the door and Castiel was gone once again. Dean walked through the door and I let out a sigh. He ruins every moment, not on purpose of course but it still drives me crazy.

"We going to watch over the house if you want to come." Dean said awkwardly.

"I'll be out in a minute." I told him.

We sat out of the house for a couple of hours and nothing had happened. Around midnight I noticed Jenny screaming at her window.

"Uh...guys. Let's go." I said as I shook their shoulders and pointed at the window.

We ran into the house, Dean went for Jenny, Sam went for Sari and I went for Richie. Dean had gotten Jenny out first then I gave Richie to Sari and she rushed outside the house. The door slammed shut as I turned around. Sam was sent flying against the wall.

"Sam!" I screamed. I heard Dean at the door trying to get inside the house.

Dean broke through the door gun in hand and everything. He pointed the gun at the figure but then Sam said "Dean don't! It's mom."

The figured showed her true self and a beautiful blonde older lady but not too old stood in front of me. You could tell that she was Sam and Dean's mother.

"Mom?" Dean asked.

"Dean." his mother said as she placed her hand on his face. He leaned his face into her hand and I noticed a tear falling from his eyes. She then turned to Sam and said. "Sam, I'm so sorry I couldn't be there for you. I love you. I love you both."

Their mother turned around looking at the corner and said "Leave my boys alone." She walked towards the corner and then went up in flames. Sam fell from the wall and we all knew that it was finally over.

A Fallen AngelWhere stories live. Discover now