This Is The Mistake Of The Century.

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Castiel and I went back to Bobby's, everyone was in the study talking about how Sam is Lucifer's vessel. Salem turned to see us first then she elbowed Orion who was standing closest to her.

"Sariel, what's going on?" Orion asked which caused the rest of them to turn around.

"Yeah, where'd you go?" Eric asked.

"I needed to figure out how to fix this mess." I stated.

"What mess?" Dean asked sounding pissed.

"The demon blood, Dean." Castiel finally spoke up. "Sam is falling into Ruby's trap."

"I'm going to stop drinking the blood." Sam said and Dean turned to face him.

"You're drinking demon blood? What the hell is wrong with you!" Dean shouted.

"It was to save you at first, then-" Sam started.

"Then what, Sammy? I'm alive and out of Hell. Why would you need to keep drinking that shit?" Dean shouted at him.

"Because I can do things that you wouldn't believe." Sam answered.

Dean wouldn't look at Sam, he stormed out of the room but before he left he stopped in front of me and said "Fix him." Salem followed him out of the room shaking her head.

I asked everyone else to leave the room and they did, leaving only Cas, Sam and myself in the room. We stood there in silence for a couple of minutes until Castiel spoke up. "You need to be cleansed."

"No, I don't." Sam argued.

"Demon Blood is like a drug to you Sam. You have become dependent on it." I stated.

"I can stop whenever I want." Sam lied.

"We already tried it your way." Castiel objected. "There are two ways that this is going to happen. You could either take some angel blood or wait until the demon blood is out of your system."

"I won't go all crazy like Eric did on Angel blood, will I?" Sam asked.

"That is highly unlikely."  I told him.

"Alright, but I'd rather not drink my girlfriend's blood." Sam said.

Castiel walked in the kitchen, he got a knife and a cup. Cas put some of his blood into the cup then handed it to Sam. Sam took the cup and began to drink it, I had to leave the room because I couldn't watch him drink it.

Everyone looked at me when I stepped outside. Dean was the first person to say anything. "Is he okay?"

"Sam is going to be fine. Castiel is finishing the cleanse now." I told him.

"Okay, good."

We sat there and waited until both Sam and Castiel came out of the house. Bobby smacked Sam in the back of his head and scolded him. Castiel wouldn't take his eyes off of Salem.

"What the hell are you looking at?" Salem snapped.

"You are pregnant with Crowley's child and yet he is letting you stay here with the Winchesters and an angel. Why is that?" Castiel questioned sounding thoroughly confused.

"Oh, I don't know. Maybe because it's not Crowley's kid." Salem snapped.

Castiel looked at me, I could tell that he was pissed. "How could you let this go on?"

"Salem isn't like other demons, Cas." I stated.

"This is the mistake of the century. That child is a going to destroy you." Castiel said to me.

"No, he is not going to turn out to what you think."

Castiel turned to Salem and said, "I advise you end this and quick."

Salem didn't have time to reply, Dean had already punched Castiel in face.

"Shit!" Dean shouted as he held his own hand. 

When I turned to Salem I saw that she was bleeding and drawing something on the wall. I realized that she was drawing an angel banishing sigil. When I tried to stop her, she had already placed her hand in the sigil causing Castiel and me to go somewhere else.

~Salem's POV~

Everyone turned to me after the light died out. Dean ripped his shirt and tied it around my arm to stop the bleeding.

"Sorry about Sariel, Sam. I forgot that the sigil would banish her to." I apologized.

"How could you forget that Sari is an angel? No one forgets that you're a demon." He snapped then walked inside.

"Oooo, shoots fired." Eric said before Orion smacked his shoulder.

"Let's go on a case." Orion said as she brought Eric to the car. Eric got into the driver's seat and Orion got into the passenger's seat then they drove off.

Bobby went inside, leaving Dean and me outside.

"So, we're having a boy." Dean smiled as he tried to straighten out his hand.

"I guess so." I smiled

"What should we name him?" Dean asked as he sat down next to me on a chair.

We both thought about it for a couple of minutes until I thought of a name. "How about Benjamin John Winchester?"

Dean didn't say anything but he was smiling. I could tell that he liked the name.

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