Yellow Eyes.

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~Sam's POV~

Meg laid there on the ground, the demon was the only thing keeping her alive. I know it's not my fault but I feel guilty in a way, the exorcism was the reason why she died and I was the one who performed it.

I shook off the guilty feeling and headed towards my room, Sariel was busy talking to Bobby so I figured she would pack in a few. My my bag I put in my pants, a couple of shirts, socks and my brush. Dean banged on the door saying it was time to go.

When we got back out into the study Sariel was still talking to Bobby and had nothing packed.  "Why didn't you pack?" I asked her because her hands were empty.

"I need to stay here for a little bit." Sariel answered.

"I know we don't get along that great but you can't leave alone with the boys." Salem spoke up, I looked at her on disbelief that she just said that.

"It's not forever, there's just something I need to take care of." Sariel assured us.

"Okay, well we better be going. Give us a call when you want to meet up again." Dean ordered like usual.

As we were leaving I turned and gave Sauriel a hug then said "Give me a call if you need anything."

"Will do." She told me then hugged me back.

I threw my bag into the truck of the impala then hopped into the passenger seat. Bobby gave me a book called the 'Key of Solomon.' so I decided to read it as we drove to Jefferson.

"Does Sammy have a crush on Sari? I saw that hug." Dean said distracting me from the book.

"No. I don't have to like every female we encounter you know. She's more like a best friend." I told Dean.

"Ouch Sammy." Dean said then frowned.

"You're my brother Dean so that's different."

Dean turned up the radio and continued driving. Salem just sat in the back seat relaxing so I continued to read.

It only seemed like a minute but turned out to be an hour later when Dean stopped by an apartment building by a river. I was sure Meg said it was a warehouse but it turned out to be just an apartment complex.

I got out of the car and when to the truck of the impala. Dean and Salem followed right after I finished drawing a devil's trap on the truck.

"What the fuck is that?" Dean asked pointing at the devil's trap.

"A devil's trap. What Meg was trapped in." Salem spoke up stating the obvious.

"We're going to put the colt inside the trunk and no demons can get into it." I explained.

"We can't face demons with no frickin' weapon." Dean shouted.

"Why not? We have before."

Dean rolled his eyes and walked away while Salem and I figured out a way to get inside the apartments.

Dean and I waited by the impala while Salem went inside. She pulled the fire alarm so everyone but the demons would exit the building. Once the fire department came Dean and I stole some suits and headed inside.

Salem kicked in a door and there was John tied to the bed. I threw holy water on him to make sure he wasn't possessed. John woke up so we untied him and began to leave the room, two demons appeared so Dean slammed the door shut and Salem put a salt line in front of the door.

We all headed down the fire escape to get outside. Someone attacked me from behind and all I could feel was each punch to the face. A gun shot went off and the demon who had been attacking me fell to the floor, Dean shot him with the cult.

John stood up and shouted, "What was that for? We need to save the bullets!"

"Sammy was being attacked." Dean shouted back. It was one of the few times I have ever heard Dean yell at Dad.

Instead of the argument continuing we all got into the impala and drove away. Dean had the radio on, John just looked out the window and Salem fell asleep in the back.

It was dark when Dean pulled up to the cabin. We were all tired so we just went inside to go to bed. Salem was the first one out, then John.

I looked at Dean then said, "Look, thanks for saving me back there."

"You know, I didn't even blink. I don't think about what I do when it comes to saving you Sammy. It scares me sometimes, the lengths that we will go for each other." Dean started to say before he was cut off.

"Family looks out for each other so don't be scared." Dad said stepping into the room. The lights began to flicker, "The demon found us. Go check the salt lines Sam."

Instead of arguing with my dad I left the room. All the salt lines were intact so I went back. Dean was standing there with the colt pointed at our dad. John's eyes then went yellow and he pinned Dean and I to the wall. The demon took the gun and placed it on the table.

"I'm going to fucking kill you!" Dean shouted at Yellow Eyes. The demon just smiled and blood came pouring out of Dean's mouth.

"Stop! Let him go!" I yelled as I struggled up against the wall.

"Dad, I know you're in there. Stop this and help us." Dean pleaded as blood was still coming out of his mouth.

In a quick second we fell from the wall, I grabbed the colt and pointed it at my father. His eyes were yellow once again. "If you kill me, you're going to kill your father as well." Yellow Eyes snapped.

"Sammy, don't do it Sammy." Dean pleaded from the ground.

I lowered the gun and shot John in the leg. He fell to the floor and cried out in pain. "Do it! Shoot me. This is what we have been trying to do since you were 6 months old!" John said back to his normal self.

"No, Sammy." Dean begged from behind me.

Before I could decided what to do next black smoke came flying out of John's mouth. Dean sighed from behind me and I rushed over to him.

"I'm going to get you guys to a hospital." I said picking Dean up from the ground.

After I got Dean to the car I went inside for my dad. He was pissed that I didn't kill him when I had the chance but I didn't care. Once he was in the car I went to go get Salem. I didn't realize she had been asleep this whole time. After everyone was in the car I took off to ths hospital.

My phone began to ring so I pulled it out of my pocket and answered. "Hello?"

"Hey Sam, I have some good news and some bad news." Sariel started off.

"Ha, same here-" I began to tell her before we were hit. A huge Semi hit the side of the impala and we went flying. The car flipped and rolled of off the side of the road then everything went dark.

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