Scared To Death: Part Two.

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~Sariel's POV~

Once Sam was done with his shower we left the motel and went to the Sheriff's office. We were waiting in the police station for a good ten minutes before the Sheriff came out of his office.

"Who are they?" He asked the officer at the front desk.

"Federal agents, sir." He informed him.

"And you kept them waiting?" The sheriff stated. 

"You said not to.."He started but the sheriff cut him off and invited us into his office. 

When we entered the office he made us take off our shoes. Dean and Same slipped out of their shoes and Sam held my hand I as took off my heels. They we four inch heels so they were a challenge to get out of. The Sheriff put a pile of hand sanitizer in his hands and rubbed it up his arms. Dean looked at him like he was a freak then sat down. Sam let me take the chair next to Dean and he leaned up against a bookshelf. 

"So. What can I do for Uncle Sam?" The sheriff asked. 

"Well, we are looking into the death of Frank O'Brian," Sam started. "We understand that some of your men found his body." 

"They did. Me and Frank, we were friends. Hell. we were Gamecocks." The sheriff said and Dean started laughing then went back to his serious face. 


"That's the name of our softball team. They're majestic animals." The sheriff stated sounding annoyed. 

"Before he died, did you notice Frank acting strange? Like he was scared of something?” I asked, trying to get back to the case. 

"Oh, hell yeah. Real jumpy." The sheriff stated.

After we found out that Frank wouldn't answer the phone and that the Sheriff wasn't telling us much that we didn't already know we left. Both Sam and Dean we becoming aggravated with the Sheriff but I just found it amusing. When we were walking out Sam grabbed my hand as we walked to the impala and Dean just rolled his eyes. 

“There’s no way that was a heart attack,” Dean said as we crossed the road.

“Definitely no way,” Sam agreed. “Three victims, all with the same red scratches? All went from jittery to terrified to dead in 48 hours?” 

“Something scared ‘em to death?” Dean guessed. 

"What can do that?" I asked, 

Dean snorted. “What can’t? Ghosts? Vampires? Chupacabra? It could be a hundred things.”

“Yeah, so we make a list and start crossing things off,” Sam said as we came closer to the impala.  

“Alright, so who was the last person to see Frank O’Brian alive?” Dean asked.

“Um, his neighbor, Mark Hutchins,” Sam stated.

“Hang on, hang on,” Dean said as he stopped suddenly.

"What?" I asked. 

 “I don’t like the looks of those teenagers down there,” Dean said, eyeing a bunch of kids who are standing around on bikes near the Impala. “Let’s walk this way.”

After the teenagers left, we got in the impala and went back to the motel. Salem was asleep on the bed and I take it that Eric and Orion we occupied. I stayed at the motel, while the boys went to go talk to Frank's neighbor. I gave Sam a kiss goodbye then changed back into the clothes I was wearing earlier. 

Salem woke up about half an hour later, just as Eric and Orion came back into the room. "How long was I asleep for?" Salem asked. 

"Two hours." Orion told her. "You sure do sleep a lot now that you are pregnant." 

"Where are the boys?" Salem asked. 

"Talking to Frank's neighbor. They should be back within the next thirty minutes or so." I informed her. 

While they watched T.V., I left to go get us some food. Salem hasn't had anything to eat since the night before. I decided to go to the story and actually make real food instead of ordering out, Salem was going to need actual food in her stomach not that she isn't only eating for herself. 

At the store I grabbed lettuce, tomatoes, and anything else that was used for a salad. I also picked up  a few chicken tender cuts, seasoning and a bag of potatoes. There was a mini kitchen in the motel room so I was able to cook. After I checked out, I went back to the motel and began cooking. 

Dean and Sam arrived back at the motel just as I finished cooking. "Smells great." Sam said as he kissed me on the cheek then went to change out of his suit. 

"Are you sure that it is thoroughly cooked?" Dean asked. "I don't want to get sick." 

I looked at Dean confused then said, "Yes, it's cooked." 

"Okay then. Good." Dean smiled as he made his plate. He say down and starting eating, he also scratched at his arm during dinner. 

Dean came out of the bathroom on the phone, "Alright Bobby. Keep looking." 

"What'd he say?" Dean asked after he swallowed his bite, which was strange because Dean always talked with his mouth full.

"It's ghost sickness." Sam told him as he made himself a plate. 

We all sat down and ate like a family. It was the first time that this had happened. Dean and Sam enjoyed a beer with their dinner, Salem and I drank a bottle of water, while Eric and Orion each had their own blood bag. Eric was fond of his swirly straw. 

Dean started coughing and Sam rushed to his side. Dean continued to cough as he made his way to the sink. He spit something into the sink along with some blood. There was a wood chip laying in the sink. We all just stood there looking at it.

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