Chapter 3: Revelations

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"Hey Jess," April asked, "Have you seen Rory? We are supposed to be circulating!"

"She went for a walk...Come to think of it, she has been gone for quite a while ...don't worry, I'll go find her." Jess volunteered.

Setting off in the direction where he had left her, Jess began to feel anxious wondering what to say when he did find Rory. He spent the next hour, walking all over the outskirts of town, checking Lorelai's place and Lane's too. When he arrived back at the town square, it looked like most people had left and the process of packing up was in full swing. He didn't want to alarm anyone, so he continued the search alone, checking out a few other places. Luke and Lorelai had already been farewelled off on their honeymoon and had been wondering where Rory could be. Lorelai had a feeling it had all become too much for Rory, and knowing about the pregnancy, was sure she was most likely just in need of a rest.

Jess had volunteered to stay at Luke's and help Caesar run the diner while he was away. He had also planned to spend some time with Rory and help with critiquing her book. Looking at the time, Jess realised that he really should have been heading over to make sure everything was ok at the diner.

Just then, Rory awoke, feeling confused in the darkness and wondering why her bed was so hard!

"Oh my! ...Church! ....I'm in the church? What am I doing here?" She gasped. "Oh no! I've probably missed the end of Mom's reception!" She stood up, straightened her dress - her head was spinning!

"I have got to get myself together!" She scolded herself as she ran out the door, hoping not to see Reverend Skinner on the way, and headed toward home.

As she hurried along, she remembered with dread the conversation with Jess. She also recalled her conversation with God!

"What is wrong with me?" Rory asked herself in exasperation. It was then that she realised that she was still holding onto the Bible from the church.

"Oh great! Now I'm stealing from God!" She sighed before becoming aware of footsteps coming toward her in the dark.

"There you are! I've been searching for you for ages! Your mom was worried that you missed the farewell.  Are you ok?" Jess asked, taking her by the shoulders. He scanned her, noticing her creased dress and messy hair.

Rory was so relieved it was only Jess - she didn't want anyone else seeing her looking like this! "I'm fine Jess ....I had a sleep and I'm feeling a lot better. I'm just super hungry!"

"Well come over to Luke's and I'll make you something," Jess offered."You look cold - here have my coat," he said then noticed the book in her hands.

"Is that a ...Bible?"

"It seems to be," Rory said appearing a little surprised herself.

"Where did it come from and are you actually reading it?" Jess inquired.

"You ask too many questions Jess!" Rory replied sounding annoyed as they walked into Luke's. "I'm just going to go to the bathroom."

Rory placed the Bible on the counter and left Jess to begin making dinner. He couldn't help peeping inside the cover of the Bible, noticing the Property of Stars Hollow Church stamp. He smiled as he prepared to make burgers and fries, Rory's favourite.


When the meal was ready, Jess carried it upstairs so they could relax in front of the TV while they ate. Rory certainly seemed to have her appetite back. Jess was used to the eating habits of the Gilmore girls but he had never seen her eat like this!

They were half way through a great movie called Remember Sunday, when Rory suddenly pressed the pause button, looked at Jess and said, "Ok I'm sorry about before...running off like that.... I actually spent the afternoon asleep in the church of all places and I accidentally stole a Bible. No, I'm not going all religious but yes I did have a conversation with God...."

Jess blinked and shook his head as if he were having trouble processing the revelation, then Rory went on, "And yes I am pregnant... but no I'm not telling you who the father is...he doesn't know yet."

Before Jess could respond, Rory pressed play and made herself more comfortable on the couch with her head on Jess' lap. He knew better than to continue talking about this. The main thing was that she had opened up to him - she trusted him and he was determined to be there for her if she would let him.

It wasn't long before Jess noticed Rory's steady breathing as she had fallen asleep again! He wasn't surprised, as it had been a huge day for her and she hadn't slept much the night before. Jess couldn't help staring at the beautiful figure before him. He gently ran his fingers through her hair and bent over to kiss her forehead.

"What did I ever do to deserve to have you in my life?" He asked as he carefully picked her up in his arms and placed her on the bed. Rory stirred slightly as he covered her and lay on the bed beside her. He flicked off the lamp and was aware of her rolling over to face him.

"Thanks Jess....thanks for everything..." Rory cuddled into Jess and before long, she was asleep again.

"I was such an idiot when I was with you," Jess thought as he lay there processing the events of the day, enjoying the warmth of her nearness. "If only I had played things the right way all those years ago....I would be the father of this child. I would be there for you both!

"But she is here with me now - we have a great friendship and I will be content with that. Tomorrow I will let her know she's got my support no matter what!" Jess thought as he too drifted off to sleep.


Well, Rory certainly surprised herself and Jess with her revelations but will Jess be there for her when he finds out who the father is?

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