I'm missing some of my readers! Catch up with the SEQUEL. Ch 3

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Please make sure you don't miss out on the SEQUEL to Precious Ties. Just follow me or do a search for 'Precious Ties:The Gift'.
Here's a teaser for Chapter 3 :

Odette began to feel very stressed as the raised voices continued and while her security guard momentarily turned his back on her to offer assistance, no one noticed that she had stood up and quickly walked out the front door of the hospital, into the car park and then across the road! She had her eyes on Kareena Private Hospital and followed the signs which pointed to the maternity wing.

No one questioned her as she walked along the corridor looking in all the rooms for 'her' baby. She finally poked her head in a room where she saw the name 'Rory Huntzberger' above the bed. She could hear that the shower was in use and seeing the baby unattended, she smiled with excitement, realising that this was her chance.

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