Chapter 11: Thanksgiving Drama

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The aroma of turkey, pumpkin pie and homemade bread were drifting into Rory's room as she slowly woke on Thanksgiving morning. Noticing the amount of light already streaming into her room, she realised she had overslept!

Jumping to her feet, she dashed out of her room past Luke without saying good morning —instead heading to the bathroom at great speed! It had become part of her morning routine to empty her stomach before officially starting the day!

After showering and dressing for the special day ahead, Rory joined her Mom and Luke for breakfast. By this time, the kitchen was filled with so much food and this was only the start as April, Sookie, Jackson and the children were joining them for their Thanksgiving lunch.  Everyone knew to expect an amazing feast with Sookie's expertise!

Rory and Lorelai were left in charge of table setting and the big tidy up as Emily had just indicated she would also be joining them. She had been travelling in Europe and had only just made it back.

Rory was nervous and was determined that her grandmother not know of her pregnancy at this stage. She wasn't sure if it was this or the many and varied smells coming from the kitchen, but she had thrown up several times already, losing her breakfast and everything she had been drinking.

""You look so pale today Rory, why don't you go and lie down before everyone arrives," suggested Lorelai.

"I might just do that," Rory yawned and happily returned to her room to rest. She didn't intend sleeping but the next thing she remembered was seeing April's face appear around the door.

"Hi sis!" April's cheery voice brought Rory back into the present. She immediately started speaking at one hundred miles an hour! Rory just nodded and smiled hoping April would not notice that she was not listening at all.

Moments later, Rory was excusing herself and heading off to the bathroom yet again! By this time the rest of the guests were filling the house with lots of chatter and laughter. A little while later, Lorelai came to check on Rory.

"We are serving the meal soon, do you think you will be able to eat?" Lorelai looked concerned. "You still look very pale Kid, don't feel you have to stay at the table long. I will cover for you. We will just say you are feeling a bit off today."

"Thanks Mom. I really want to sit at the table and be thankful with the family. I just feel weak from all the vomiting," Rory lamented.

The sights and smells of family, friends, turkey and sweet treats filled the room with a special familiar warmth that Rory remembered as being unique to Thanksgiving. She reflected that she had indeed a lot to be thankful for.  As she rested her hands in her lap, she felt so much love as she looked ahead to next Thanksgiving when her little one would be in her arms. It both scared and excited her all at the same time, but really, she had so much to look forward to!

As dessert was about to be served, Rory excused herself to visit the bathroom again. Thankfully, she was able to keep her delicious turkey dinner down but as she went to the toilet, she was in for a shock!

"Oh no! No! No! No! This can't be happening!" Rory gasped as she saw blood stains on her underwear. She felt like she was going to faint so she sat on the floor with her head between her knees.

Fortunately, Lorelai had noticed her slipping away and had come to check on her. Rory let her into the bathroom. Lorelai took one look at her face, drenched in tears and the look of fear in her eyes and she began to think the worst.

"What happened?" Lorelai took her in her arms —Rory was trembling.

"I......I think I'm losing the baby!" Now her tears had turned to sobs. Rory explained about the bleeding and Lorelai knew she needed to keep calm and take charge of the situation even though, inside her heart was breaking for her daughter's possible loss.

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