Chapter 30: Lost

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The sun had finally set on what had been a very hot and humid Christmas in Sydney. The night air still held the heat and humidity of the day under starlit skies, as Finn arrived back at the hospital with Colin and Robert. Rory and Logan had spent more time talking and had gone over the issues that were still causing him concern with the 'bridesmaids incident'.

"I just feel so guilty about everything..." Logan said reaching out to touch Rory's face. "I'm sorry about all of this...I shouldn't have gone on the really wasn't the ultimate LDB event after all...BASE jumping when you're drinking is just stupid!...I didn't even say goodbye to you properly when I left..."

"You're not to blame Logan, I admit I was shutting you out ...I said I forgave you for the girls you were with when we weren't together but I guess I wasn't acting like it...I'm sorry...You have to remember I forgive you and love you so have no idea how much I love you!" Rory said with emotion in her voice as she gently stroked his hair then kissed him.

Finn, Colin and Robert were excited to surprise Rory and arrived up at the ICU just as Honor was popping out to get some more coffee.

"Oh hi Colin, Robert, it's so lovely that you came all the way to see my baby brother!" Honor said hugging both of them. "Logan is sleeping now but just a heads up —Rory is quite concerned. Logan woke up properly about an hour ago and it became apparent that he is experiencing some memory loss...he thinks it's 2005 and he kept talking like he had just had his accident in Costa Rica....He was telling me I shouldn't have cut my honeymoon short to see him!"

"Ok...well that will be strange....thanks for the warning Honor —it isn't just the drugs is it?" Finn wondered.

"No, the resident doctor who examined Logan said it was consistent with what they call 'retrograde amnesia'. I guess we will find out more tomorrow when Dr Conway is back in. They may have more tests to run," Honor said with a sigh.

"So....that would mean it's possible that Logan won't remember I still owe him $100,000 after our last poker night in London!" Finn revealed, trying to break the tension.

"Probably not Finn." Honor replied, shaking her head as she walked off down the corridor.

Hearing the door open, Rory looked around, let out a little gasp and tip-toed over to greet the surprise visitors. It was a marvellous distraction for her and Finn felt so happy to see her smile. He suggested the boys go down to the cafe with Rory so she could have a proper chat —he knew that she needed the break. Finn desperately wanted her to eat something and was trying his best to work out what to do tonight to get Rory to go home to Cronulla and have a proper sleep.

"Finn is that you?" Logan asked, his voice sounding much clearer now.

" your service!" Finn replied, not sure where this conversation might go.

"So glad to see you......are you and Colin alright?......You look different .....Ace looks different too....I know we were just away a few days but how did your hair grow so long Finn?"

"It's a .....wig I'm trying out," Finn lied, not wanting to be the one to tell Logan he had forgotten more than a decade of his life.

"That's a bit weird...and there's something else I just realised now that you're know I could swear that all the doctors and nurses seem to have your accent..."

"Maybe it's some sort of hospital exchange program," Finn suggested thinking quickly.

"I didn't think of that....hey Finn, can you watch out for Rory while I'm in here? I feel like such an idiot and things haven't been the same since Honor's wedding...I never should have gone away leaving things the way they were...I just don't think she has forgiven me for sleeping with Honor's friends but I only did it because I was lonely and depressed....I thought we were broken up!"

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