Chapter 14: Mysterious Delivery

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At almost 12 weeks into her pregnancy, Rory noticed a definite increase in her energy. "Just as well," she thought to herself as she perused her 'To Do' list. With not much more than a week before she left for Australia, Rory switched into high gear!

Connecting with family and friends over the past few weeks had been a huge encouragement, their care and concern for her really helped at such a challenging time. Rory even had to admit, she was having second thoughts about leaving and being so far away from the people who meant so much to her.  She was just reminding herself of all the reasons why she had agreed to go with Finn, when a message appeared on her phone.

Hey Kitten,
How are you?
Hope you are getting your bags packed - not long now!

Feeling much better atm. Haven't thrown up for over a week now!
Just started my packing. I probably won't take too much because I'll be growing!

Yeah don't worry you won't be needing too much other than a bikini or two! My sister will take you shopping. Glad you're feeling better. I have a lot of sight-seeing planned!

I don't know about the bikini Finn! With my expanding belly, I'll look like a beached whale!

Never my Love! Gone are the days where mums-to-be cover up their baby bump - it's the fashion to have Bub out on show. I personally think there's nothing more attractive.

Fashion or not, just remember I'm modest - but speaking of the baby, have you heard from Logan?

I have but don't worry I haven't let anything slip about you coming with me for Christmas.

That's good but how is he?

Finn didn't like to go into too many details with Rory but both Colin and Robert had spoken to him voicing their concern over Logan's current state of mind. He had been regularly drinking too much and when Finn had called him, he seemed depressed. Not wanting to alarm Rory, he sent a simple reply.

He's fine just busy as usual. Got to go now.
Talk soon - keep packing x

The sound of the doorbell broke Rory from her lingering thoughts of Logan. It was Kirk and Petal. Out front was a pink van emblazoned with "Petal's Posies".

"Good morning Rory! We have a Petal's Posies delivery for you! It's actually quite a large one - the deluxe bouquet from our 'Just Because' range."

"Oh goodness.....they are beautiful Kirk!" Rory exclaimed as she received the flowers. " have a new business?"

"Yes...just launched this week in time for Christmas. Lulu has just qualified as a florist. We are online of course so don't forget to leave a review...come now Petal, we need to get going to our next delivery!"

As Kirk started down the stairs, Rory realised there didn't seem to be a card attached to her flowers. "Kirk! I can't find the you know who they are from?"

"Yes I do know but the sender requested no card. Sorry that's all I can say. Have a good day." Kirk's van disappeared up the street in a cloud of smoke leaving Rory looking puzzled as she took her flowers inside.

"Who are the flowers from?" Lorelai asked as she was finishing getting ready for work. "They are really beautiful!"

"Well Kirk just delivered them...yes another new business but he said the sender wanted to remain anonymous. I'm just trying to think of who would send me flowers..."

Rory thought of the men in her life and wondered if they were from Finn. She decided to send off another text.

You didn't by chance send me flowers this morning?

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