Chapter 38: Resolutions

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"That's so beautiful Finn...I don't know what to say!...I'm pretty blown away with everything that has happened since I met you....I just feel like you have been put in my life for a reason and even though it hasn't been long since I lost Blake, I really do have strong feelings for you...I know I would have his blessing....he would have been mates with you Finn....but ....I know I still need time to grieve... I want to be fair to you...I hope that's okay..." Laura said honestly.

"Of course it is Laura...I wouldn't expect anything else...I'm happy to be friends until you are ready for more...I don't care how long that might be...I'll be here! It's strange but for the past twelve months, my father has been trying to get me to move back to Sydney to manage our hotels across I think I can give him the answer he wants to hear. I'll let him know I'll do it, then I'll be able to be here for you and Cayden...actually Laura, I was going to ask if you would like me to book a suite for you at our city's only a block away from the Royal Women's will save all those trips and you will have more time to rest and to be with your little man."

"That sounds great —it's so thoughtful of you Finn! Thank you, I would really appreciate that. Cayden will probably be there for several weeks or possibly even months!" Laura was filled with gratitude and it felt so good to have an understanding man in her life to care for her but also to be so patient in waiting until she was ready.

"Just remember that I would do anything for you Laura really have changed me in so many ways....I used to drink quite a lot but I have made a firm decision not to drink at all this month and after that only in moderation...I can hardly believe I just said that but it's true! Also I didn't really have much focus in the past, other than having a good time but suddenly I have found myself with clear goals! The biggest surprise to me is that even though I have never really prayed much before today, I felt that God really heard me when I cried out to him last night.... I reckon I might do it again!.....I really want to be the kind of man you need....I want to be the best for you and Cayden!" Finn said smiling eagerly.

"You are one in a million Finn Morgan! I just can't believe how blessed I am to know you and I'm so happy you found out how good it is to be able to pray. It's what is getting me through all of this and I know God is watching over Cayden even when we can't be there with him!" Laura said leaning in to hug him tightly.


Several days had passed since Cayden's birth. Rory had been supporting Laura as best she could until she was discharged from Kareena Private Hospital. Logan had even managed to visit and Finn had continued to be devoted to caring for both Laura and Cayden. He spent mornings with Laura then drove into the city to sit by Cayden in the NICU and FaceTime Laura so she could see how he was doing.

Finn organised two suites for himself and Laura at his family hotel and once she was able to leave Kareena, Rory and Logan didn't see much of their friends at all. Rory took the train into the city once a week to visit the Royal Woman's Hospital although Laura insisted that it was too much for Rory as she thought that her friend needed to be there for Logan.

Cayden was doing well and had been taken off the respirator. He still needed a nasal canular with oxygen for many weeks to come but he was growing and slowly gaining weight, being fed by a tube into his tiny tummy. Rory was amazed at how many changes she noticed on her weekly visits and was always so excited to have some girl time with Laura too.

At more than fourteen weeks into her pregnancy, Rory was at last feeling more energetic! She was managing to shop, cook and clean to maintain Finn's beach cottage and provide a comfortable home for Logan to recover in. Rory at last found some sort of rhythm in her life to help her deal with the ongoing effects and enormity of Logan's paralysis. Rising at dawn for a walk along the esplanade, she would feel invigorated and ready for whatever the day held.

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