Chapter 64: Labour of Love

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Logan looked at Rory through tears as the paramedic took her blood pressure again in the back of the ambulance. He was so thankful she was safe with him. No one could know the terror he had felt when he thought he could lose his beautiful wife and child. Only God knew the prayers he had silently sent up the moment he knew of the danger they were in. Logan had vowed to never leave his Ace and although he had his own fears for his child's safe delivery, he would be strong now and put his trust in God.

Laura held Finn's hand, hoping and praying that he would be alright. His face that usually brought such light and life to her world, was now pale and unresponsive. Finn had passed out in the ambulance, on the way to Sutherland Hospital as he had lost quite a lot of blood.

The events of the day were a blur in Laura's mind and while she didn't outwardly show her fear to Rory, she had been greatly distressed by the whole episode with Odette. Silent prayers had been sent up for their safety and particularly for Rory and the baby. Laura had done her best to remain calm and professional even with Finn's unexpected injury.  At least his heroic actions had brought an end to the situation and allowed Rory to get to hospital to give birth.

Laura breathed in deeply and just tried to focus on what needed to be done now. She needed to be there for Finn and contact his family. He was about to go into surgery as the knife wound had damaged a tendon and artery. The doctor expressed how fortunate Finn was that it had not been a little lower as it could have killed him. The thought of this sent chills through Laura. She had already lost one man she loved and there was no way she was going to lose this one!

While Laura waited as Finn was in the operating theatre, she prayed and messaged Logan to see how things were going with Rory.

Rory had settled into the birthing suite at Kareena. The staff had heard of her ordeal so were treating her with great care. They had performed a cardiotocograph to monitor the baby's heart rate and her contractions.

"Now Mrs Huntzberger," Midwife Kate said, "Why don't you go and have a nice relaxing shower...your husband can be there to help you. We have a range of relaxing essential oils he could massage you with."

"Sounds like a great idea," Dr Hathaway added, "Now there's nothing to worry about here. The monitor showed that the baby's heart rate is normal so everything is going to plan. By some miracle, your blood pressure has stabilised so I am very optimistic about you being able to have a natural birth."

A counsellor had been called in to speak to both Rory and Logan concerning the traumatic events of the day and would be available to talk at any other time. They had both been excused from making statements to the police until after the delivery of their daughter. Throughout the next couple of hours, Laura kept in touch via text message to fill them in on how Finn was doing:

Finn is out of surgery now. The doctor is very pleased with the repair work he was able to do and thinks that with time and physiotherapy, Finn will be fine! I'm just sitting in recovery waiting for him to wake up. Hope everything is going well there.

Logan replied:

That's really great! Nothing can stop our Finn! Rory is coping better with the contractions now that we are in our quiet suite. The doctor is very pleased with everything, especially her blood pressure - she can't believe it has stabilised so well. We still have lots of hours ahead of us but it's okay so far. Keep in touch.

When Finn's eyes opened, he was confused as he tried to focus. He was thrilled to feel Laura's hand in his and very soon, he focussed on her face.

"Hey Finn, you're you know where you are?" Laura asked leaning in closer to Finn.

"I must be in heaven...and you're an angel?" Finn joked, at once making Laura relax.

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