Chapter 62: Nesting

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"Thank you Constable, yes I understand there is no hard evidence linking the theft to Miss Duval.....yes we will let you know if anything else happens but.......I'm just concerned for my wife's welfare......yes I'm glad you understand...." Logan's call to the local police finished, leaving him feeling more concerned than before.

The police were not able to investigate or look into the theft of baby clothes and they were not able to disclose whether Odette was indeed back in Australia and living in Cronulla. Colin hadn't been able to confirm her whereabouts but had found out that her family had not heard from her for an extended period of time. It appeared that she was estranged from Jean-Paul and her family and friends.

Rory was very upset about all of the missing baby clothes. "It took me weeks to buy them and now I'll have to start again! It's just not fair...I'm sure she could afford to buy her own baby clothes.....why would she want to steal mine?"

Logan felt terrible because he knew that he had done plenty to make Odette dislike him in the past year. "I don't know Ace but I just feel bad that the consequences of my past choices and behaviour are having an effect on you now —I'm just sure it's me she is trying to hurt. It isn't fair on you but I will do my best to get to the bottom of this situation. In the meantime, I am going to have more secure gates fitted to our backyard and see what else I can do to increase security. You don't need to worry Ace —I will protect you."

"I just hate the feeling that she could be watching us and we don't even know it. It gives me the creeps!" Rory said as Logan enveloped her in his arms. "We are going to have to pull together to get through this Logan but as I promised in our wedding vows, I will remind you to draw on God's strength."

"That sounds like a very good idea Ace," Logan replied, kissing Rory's forehead. "You are such a wonderful wife....I am so thankful that God brought us together. We'll get through this."

Laying out the freshly laundered baby clothes on her bed, Odette smiled, picturing herself dressing her baby to go out for the day. She looked over at the pram she had purchased along with an extravagant antique cot. Odette knew it wouldn't be long before she would have her baby here with her and the thought brought her great comfort.

"I must go out tomorrow and buy some diapers, bottles and baby formula," she said to herself as she wrote a list. "We will be so happy and in a short while, perhaps we will go back home to our apartment in London or maybe Logan will buy us a house... we will need lots of room for our family to grow!"

Odette added another item to her list: Remember to get passport for baby.


Two weeks passed by without any further incidents for Rory and Logan. Logan was using his crutches most of the time now and had taken a number of steps by himself during his physiotherapy sessions. The new security cameras that Logan had installed at home had brought them peace of mind. He had employed a private detective and a security firm who regularly patrolled the esplanade and rear of their house. They had been given a photo of Odette and they were to alert Logan if they spotted her.

Rory spent her days writing and waiting for her baby to arrive. She was pleased that the cooler weather had made being pregnant so much more bearable. The earlier concerns of Odette's possible presence in Cronulla and the stolen baby clothes, had been pushed to the back of Rory's mind as baby classes and final preparations were made.

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