Chapter 45: Preparations & Secret Meetings

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Waking up after Valentine's Day, Rory's mind began to rewind through the events of what had been a really big day. The amazing dinner out, the new dress, the gender reveal party, the phone calls back home. Startled she felt for her ring on her left hand.

"It is still there! It wasn't a dream!" Rory said out loud.

"What? Have you been dreaming Ace?" Logan asked in a sleepy voice.

"I don't I thought I had been dreaming about you proposing but then I felt this..." Rory held her hand up to the light, mesmerised by the incredible brilliance of her ring.

"Yeah it was quite a day! I can't believe you wore the ring to bed!" Logan laughed.

"I just couldn't take it off —I just want it keep it on always...I know that probably won't be possible as I go through the pregnancy but it means so much to me..." Rory said, still staring at the ring. "It is so beautiful!"

"You are so beautiful Ace..." Logan breathed, kissing Rory. "I want to just stay here and look at you all day but I know there is so much to do to get ready for the wedding...are you still sure that two months is enough time for you to prepare? We could pick another date if you want..."

"No April 17 is perfect! I am going to get straight on the phone to that lovely pastor we met at church on Sunday to see if he could marry us. Laura says he is happy to do weddings in any location. I guess once we get that sorted he will help us lodge our 'Notice of Intended Marriage' paperwork. I'm pretty sure two months is enough notice...there is so much to do! I'm getting up and getting started!"

Logan was managing to get out of bed and into his wheelchair unassisted these days, as his upper body strength had improved greatly. He still had no feeling in his legs but the physiotherapist at the hospital was still hopeful that recovery could happen. The hydrotherapy was at least allowing Logan to exercise and receive the benefit of endorphins flooding his body. Rory was always so pleased to see how bright he was on his return home. She prayed every day that one day soon, Logan would have a breakthrough and be able to walk again.


Within a week, preparations were already well underway for what promised to be a very special wedding! Rory had spent the past week working on determining the style and format for their wedding and since there would only be around 20 guests, she was sure that the rest of the details would be very easy to manage indeed.

Logan had asked Finn to be his best man and that was proving to be very helpful as Finn was full of ideas and had many contacts through his family's hotel business. Rory's main consideration had to be making sure that a venue was wheelchair friendly and not too far away for Laura, as it was possible that Cayden might be out of hospital. Of course they also had to consider the fact that they wanted to be away from the eyes of the media!

After a great deal of consideration, Rory and Logan agreed on a private ceremony by the beach and Finn had offered to throw a reception at his parent's beachside holiday house. He was taking care of the flowers and catering, music, cake and photography. Laura was equally generous with offering to take Rory dress shopping the following day. With just eight weeks to the wedding, Rory would have to quickly order a suitable dress. Laura had suggested they try Tanya Anic, a Sydney designer in Double Bay.

Rory was filled with excitement as she set off on the train to meet Laura at the hospital. She hadn't seen Cayden for a couple of weeks and was so surprised at how much he had grown.

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