Chapter 35: New Year's Eve

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"Finn, we shouldn't be looking at Logan's phone...." Rory started as Finn held the phone in front of her.

"No Love, you need to see will calm all your fears about how Logan felt about you before the a look...he just didn't press 'send'."

Hi Ace,
Sorry for confusing you. I have made some really bad decisions and the worst one was letting you walk out of my life again. I honestly don't want to marry Odette and I'm on my way to Sydney to talk to Finn and try to figure out what to do to get out of the contract I'm in.
I love you Ace I hope you realise that by the gifts I sent you.
I am hoping you will give me another chance.

"I...I can't believe it! ....He did want me ....not Odette and he was coming here to work out how to get out of the marriage contract!" Rory said, her emotions beginning to get the better of her.

"I'm not surprised after the last phone conversation I had with Logan...he was struggling big time but it must have been a last minute decision to come to Sydney.....So did you say Logan sent you gifts?"

"Yeah I didn't get to tell you but remember the day I messaged you asking if you had sent me some flowers?" Rory asked.

"Yes, that was after our lunch the secret admirer was Logan! He did keep asking about you, I just thought he was having cold feet but would go through with the wedding as planned," Finn suddenly started speaking even quieter as he thought he heard Logan's voice. "Are you awake in there?" Finn asked, pushing the door open to check.

"Finn, Rory! I'm over here! What are you doing at Sydney Airport Ace?" Logan shouted.

Finn and Rory looked at each other as they realised Logan was still asleep but dreaming about being at the airport.

"Ace....Ace....I love you!" Logan was grimacing as if in pain, "I'm over here Ace!"

"Logan, it's alright, I'm're just having a dream...." Rory was back on the bed leaning over him, holding his hand and trying to get a grip of her emotions. She hated to think he was in pain but maybe if he was dreaming about the accident at the airport, she wondered if he might be getting his memory back!

"You're here...oh I thought I had lost you Ace...I must have been dreaming...I thought I was at the airport and I looked over and saw you and Finn by the luggage carousel —I fell and then I couldn't see you..."

"It sounds like you were dreaming about what actually happened! I wonder if you are starting to remember?" Rory asked tentatively.

"Maybe...I don't know... Maybe it's just because I have heard what happened..." Logan waited for Finn to help him off the bed and back into his wheelchair.

"Don't worry about it Logan...your phone is charged now...why don't you take a look at it?" Finn said with a smile.

"I can't believe it! I had typed this message for you in Dubai...and I remember I didn't press send!" Logan was shocked at his own words. "Did I say Dubai? That was my stopover and I had read your it is....

Hey Logan,
Thank you for all the flowers and beautiful gifts you sent me this past week. I really was so overwhelmed and didn't know what to think - I'm still kind of confused but I just want to know why you sent them. What does it all mean?
I know your wedding is in a couple of weeks so it's hard to understand your motivation.
Sorry I didn't message earlier - just been trying to sort out my feelings as your gifts stirred up so many special memories of us. I will always treasure that time - what we had was so unique but as hard as I've tried not to, I think I will always love you. Rory X

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