Chapter 7: The Thunderstorm

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"Ah Mr Morgan! So lovely to have you dining with us today. We haven't seen you in quite some time," the owner of the restaurant said as Finn led Rory into the warm room. "Please allow me to show you to your table. I'll be taking care of you myself today."

"Thank you Hans, I want nothing but the best for this special lady!" Finn replied cheerfully as they took their seats in a quiet corner of the restaurant which overlooked the town gardens.

Rory was feeling a little apprehensive as she hadn't had time to think through if or how she was going to tell Finn about the baby's father. Now that she had decided to go it alone with the pregnancy, she had to think carefully!

"You are looking much better now Love....but listen....please don't feel you have to tell me anything more about..."Finn trailed off, not wanting to say anymore.

"It's ok Finn. I don't know too much as I haven't had my first appointment yet but I do know I am definitely pregnant —probably about 7 weeks now and you probably have already put two and two together as you were at New Hampshire... it was supposed to be the end of Logan and I but I guess I'll have a little part of him with me forever!"

"So yeah...ok.... I was thinking it could be Logan's...have you decided how to tell him?"

"Well I have decided something.......and I think it will be the best thing for everyone. I hope I can trust you with this...I'm not going to tell Logan...." Rory was afraid to look at Finn, afraid of his reaction.

"O...kay ...and how did you come to that decision?" Finn wanted to tread carefully with this delicate topic but still had questions. He didn't want to scare Rory away but wanted to understand her so he could be there for her. However, by this point he was having a hard time with his own thoughts and emotions, trying to imagine how Logan would feel if he were to find out he had a child with Rory.

"I tried calling him the other day because I thought I should be honest and I thought maybe he would want us but Odette answered his phone. It brought home to me the fact that he is choosing to marry this woman. He has chosen her over pursuing a life with me and it's a decision his family are happy about. Imagine the scandal and shame for the Hunzburgers if it was discovered that he had a child conceived out of wedlock! The Huntzburgers already hate me, I don't want to be the subject of their wrath nor do I want to expose this child to a lifetime of scorn!" Rory passionately explained.

"I can understand how you feel...they have treated you poorly in the past but don't you think Logan would want the chance to make a decision too? You know he's only marrying Odette to make his father happy...they are not even in love! He loves you, he would shield you and the child from the family!"

"I needed to know that he wanted me and chose me when I wasn't carrying his child. I don't want him just changing his mind because I'm pregnant with a potential heir! Look Finn, I don't expect you to really understand but will you promise me that you won't tell Logan or the others about this?" Rory looked at Finn with pleading eyes.

Finn couldn't resist this beautiful woman. He had so much respect for her and he knew that his friend had stuffed up by choosing business and money over true love. "Of course you can trust me Love. My concern is just for you and the baby. I just want to know how I can help you."

"Thank you Finn, it means so much to me that you are willing to keep this a secret. I haven't thought too far into the future yet myself. All I know is that I will probably have to leave Stars Hollow and find a proper job so I can support myself and the baby. It would be too risky for me to be seen with a baby that will more than likely resemble his or her father. I am scared that the Huntzburgers will find out and try to take my baby away from me." Rory's eyes began to moisten but Hans suddenly appeared and they were interrupted by the arrival of their first course —a welcome distraction from the heavy conversation.

Finn tried hard to keep the rest of the lunch conversation light and was so pleased to have Rory's company. He loved that he could make her laugh as they shared college memories and LDB adventures.

All throughout the afternoon, Finn's mind kept reminding him that very soon he would have to face Logan's interrogation regarding how Rory was. He would have to lie...he would have to be very convincing so Logan would just carry on with his wedding plans.

Rory and Finn went for a drive after lunch. They didn't return to Stars Hollow until it was dark. Rory just loved hanging out with Finn. He walked her to the door. It was a cold evening and clouds had rolled in while they were out. Rory insisted that he come in. She said she wanted to make a light dinner for them and managed to convince Finn to stay and watch a movie with her.

After just half an hour, Rory had fallen asleep with her head resting on Finn's shoulder. Finn didn't move a muscle and since he wasn't really into the movie, he just took some time to think about how he could help Rory in her quest to bring up this child in a safe place.

Two hours later, they were both awoken by a tremendously loud clap of thunder! Finn had dosed off not long after Rory. They seemed to be in the middle of a severe and unseasonal storm. Paul Anka was barking and howling! Rory was just searching for his doggy Valium which helped him deal with these events, when the power went out! They quickly reached for their phones to use as torches and it wasn't long before they were sitting in the kitchen sipping hot cocoa by candlelight.

The rain was so heavy that Rory insisted that Finn stay with her rather than try to drive to his hotel.

"I wouldn't like to leave you here by yourself anyway!" He said sipping his hot drink and wishing he had asked for something a little stronger.

"Thanks Finn! I'm not too fond of storms. Will you sleep upstairs with me in Mom's room?"

"Yeah...sure and don't worry, I will keep you safe!" He said with a smile.

Together they climbed the stairs with the candles and of course Paul Anka who had stopped howling but still wanted to stay close to them. Finn took a quick candlelight shower and it wasn't long before they were tucked up in bed, lightning still flashing intermittently, with distant rumbles of thunder as all three drifted off to sleep.


I'm sure that you didn't expect that!

Finn is so lovely but how will he remain faithful to his promise to Rory while being Logan's best friend?

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