Chapter 60: Lorelai's Birthday

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A wonderful aroma greeted Rory and Logan as they entered their new home in Cronulla. The first thing they saw was a large 'Welcome Home' banner in the living room and then the smiling faces of Lorelai and Luke, who had come over earlier to open up the windows to let the fresh sea breeze through the house. Luke had prepared a lovely welcome home dinner for the newlyweds. They were so excited to spend some more time with Rory and Logan before heading home the following weekend.

"Wow you two look like you have had a great honeymoon! So this is how my daughter looks with a tan! You both look so well —that tropical air obviously worked it's magic!" Lorelai commented as she greeted her daughter and new son in law with a hug.

Rory presented her mother with a large bag of Jaques coffee and Luke with a bottle of coffee liqueur.

"Just a little something to keep you caffeinated! You two are looking very relaxed ..." Rory commented.

"Well having a whole mansion by the sea to ourselves might have something to do with it! I could get used to this lifestyle!" Lorelai admitted.

"It makes me long for retirement....but your mother says I'm too young...." Luke said with a defeated look.

"You wouldn't know what to do without the diner'd be a grumpy old man!" Lorelai predicted.

"Less of the 'old' thank you very much...." Luke said defending himself, then changing the subject asked, "So how was Queensland?"

"Well, you know what they say about Queensland - 'beautiful one day - perfect the next' and that's not a lie!" Logan answered remembering and wishing they were still there.

"I'd say almost perfect....if it didn't have saltwater crocodiles! Thank goodness we didn't see any at the beach but there are signs everywhere, warning about them. It's quite off putting! Not to mention the box jellyfish! I preferred swimming at the resort anyway," Rory added.

"I thought you didn't mind crocodiles Ace ....we spent a whole day looking at them..." Logan looked confused.

"Well let's just say, they are not really my thing....." Rory said honestly.

"But you let me go on and on about should have said something.... Ace, that was sacrificial are the best!" Logan said hugging his wife.

"Oh you two!" Lorelai exclaimed, "You're so loved up! Now do you think you'll be able to eat or should we come back later?"

"Oh Mom! Marriage hasn't stopped me from eating —quite the opposite! Our daughter needs me to eat!" Rory began looking at the pots bubbling away in the kitchen. "Luke you certainly know me well!"

"It was so good of you to do looks like we have enough food to feed an army!" Logan commented.

Just then the doorbell rang and Lorelai said, "That will be Finn, Laura and Cayden! I saw them at the beach the other day and invited them too —hope you don't mind..."

"Mind? I can't wait to see Cayden!" Rory said as she rushed to answer the door.

Within moments the house was filled with laughter and happy chatter as Logan and Rory shared all of their favourite honeymoon moments. They took turns at nursing Cayden and after their meal, Laura went upstairs with Rory to help her plan the nursery. Rory was anxious to get it organised just in case the baby came early.

"So how are you and Finn going?" Rory asked without holding back.

"Really great actually!" Laura began. "He is so wonderful with Cayden...He came with me to the doctors the other day when Cayden had to get his immunisation shots...Cayden was very unsettled the rest of the day and the previous night I hadn't slept much so Finn just sent me off for a nap and he took Cayden out for a long walk. He was really out of sorts for a few days and Finn was happy to nurse him and he even stayed over last night —on the couch —so I could get a good sleep. He was up a couple of times giving him bottles of expressed milk. I do feel so much better today. I can't believe how devoted he is...'

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