Chapter 42: Logan's Birthday Dinner

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The Summer Salt Restaurant on beautiful Eloeura Beach was the perfect place to end what had so far been a very memorable birthday for Logan. Rory chose it because she had heard from Finn that it had an excellent reputation, having been the restaurant of choice for Prince Harry a couple of years ago during one of his visits to Sydney. Logan was so special to Rory that only the best would do for his birthday celebration!

Rory and Logan arrived at the restaurant on the sand, just ahead of Honor, Josh and the boys. Logan watched as Rory stepped out of the car, her striking figure, drawing the attention of passers by. He likened her to a serene princess stepping out onto the red carpet —her poise and elegance was just out of this world! Rory felt so happy to be here with the love of her life on his special day. She had been so thrilled that she had at last felt her baby move and as the gentle evening breeze caught the delicate fabric of her dress and hair, she knew it was going to be a perfect night!

Andrew helped Logan out of the car and into his new chair. Rory loved seeing him dressed in his more formal attire. He looked so handsome, as if age was making him more and more appealing. He had a little more colour in his face now from all of their walks by the sea and the sun had definitely begun to lighten his hair.  As he moved toward Rory, he reached for her hand and they went inside together, quickly followed by his sister and family.

The waiter showed them to a table next to a huge window, giving them expansive views along the coast. "This is just awesome! Thanks for organising this Ace and it's so good to have you here Sis! I am so touched that you would fly all this way again, just to be with know you are the best!" Logan said already sounding immensely happy.

"We have to stick together little Bro, we are family!" Honor said giving her brother a kiss on the cheek. "And I don't think your surprises are over yet...."

Just then Finn and Laura came into view. Rory was so pleased to see them both. "Hey you two! How did you manage to drag this one away from the gorgeous Cayden?" Rory asked Finn.

"It was hard but the nurses in the NICU insisted she have a break and nothing could be better than spending time with all of you here with this killer view!" Finn said in his usual flamboyant style.

Rory couldn't help noticing that Laura and Finn were looking very much like a couple. Finn was so attentive to her in every way and she could tell by the way Laura looked at him, that there must have been a lot of bonding happening in the nursery at the hospital!

"Logan, Happy Birthday! You are looking so much better now with your cast off!" Laura said giving Logan a hug.

"Thanks so much for coming Laura ...and Finn, how can I thank you for my new wheels? I feel so much more independent!" Logan gushed. "You have done so much for me, I don't know how I could ever repay you!"

"The thing to remember is that Uncle Finn will want plenty of cuddles of your baby. That will be payment enough!" Finn replied with a smile.

Everyone took their seats at the table and it wasn't long before Logan looked a little puzzled. "It looks like they have given us too many seats Rory..."

"No they didn't and you'll see why in a moment...." Rory said with a sly grin, giving Finn a wink.

"Hello Logan..."said a familiar female voice from behind Logan, placing her hands over his eyes, "Guess who?"

"Steph? Is that you?" Logan asked, overwhelmed by the thought Rory had put into celebrating his birthday.

"Well I thought it was about time I brought my girl down could call it an engagement trip!" Colin said as he suddenly appeared alongside Steph. "Happy 35th Logan!"

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