Chapter 63: Unhinged

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"Are you listening to me?" Odette yelled, as she saw the puddle of fluid at Rory's feet.

Laura had made it to the kitchen and watched in horror as Odette waved a knife at Rory. At that very moment, she silently thanked God that she had been able to leave Cayden with her mother.

"Put the knife down Odette..." Laura said as calmly as her emotions would allow, "can't you see Rory is in labour?"

"Well that's a happy coincidence, isn't it! Looks like I'll be getting what I came for sooner than I thought!" Odette smiled,  a sinister look it her eye as Laura rushed to Rory's side.

"We need to get Rory to the car is out the front...." Laura began.

"She's not going to the she's not going anywhere!" Odette spat, still holding the knife.

Rory suddenly bent over slightly as a contraction gripped her abdomen. "Ahhh.......I need to go to the hospital...I need Logan..."

"Breathe's going to be alright....I'm here with you...." Laura said quickly getting into midwife mode. "Come on just like they taught you at the birthing classes..a big sigh as soon as the contraction begins....release the tension focus your attention.. ...slowly inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth, ....that's allow all your air to flow out with a sigh.....pause until the air seems to want to come in again."

"I suppose you can stay..... perhaps she should lie down...." Odette said softening as she saw Rory in pain.

"I'm a registered nurse but we need a doctor Odette.....perhaps we could call Rory's doctor...." Laura suggested.

"No! I don't like doctors! I don't want anyone else can deliver the baby..." Odette said startling both Rory and Laura as they moved to the downstairs guest room.

"Odette, it's quite important that Rory have her doctor here as she has had some issues with high blood pressure.." Laura said firmly but Odette just stood at the door, still armed with the knife.

"I said no doctors!" Odette shouted. "All I want is the baby! No more talking!"

Finn had been on a conference call and had just noticed the message from Laura.

At Rory's
Odette's here
get help

Immediately Finn rang the Police and sending up a prayer, he drove quickly to Rory and Logan's place, parking away from the house. Having a backdoor key from when he looked after the house during his friend's honeymoon, Finn quietly let himself in and listened to the faint voices he could hear. Within seconds he realised that Rory must have gone into labour and he quietly called for an ambulance.

As Finn slowly walked down the hallway towards the voices, he spotted Odette standing at the doorway of the guest room. He just needed to get to Rory and Laura.

"Odette! Lovely to see you again...." Finn said trying to sound very casual and relaxed.

Odette disappeared into the room and stood over Rory with the knife, "Get out Finn! We don't need need to leave right now!"

Finn froze when he saw the knife and the fear in both Laura and Rory's eyes. "I could looks like the baby is coming....I could get the doctor..."

"I ....DON'T ...WANT... THE DOCTOR!" Odette yelled, shaking the knife menacingly.

"Okay, okay....I'll leave then....I'm going right now..." Finn said realising how unhinged Odette was and not wanting to put Rory or Laura at risk.

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