Chapter 26: Regrets

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Walking away from Logan's bedside had been harder than Rory imagined. Each step she took with Honor seemed like a betrayal. They had almost reached the cafe when Rory heard her phone vibrate. Instantly thinking that Finn was messaging her to come back, she grabbed her phone, almost unable to open the message due to her trembling fingers and her eyes could hardly focus, filled with tears again. Adrenaline had begun to surge through her body in preparation for running.

"Rory, what's wrong, is it Logan?" Honor also looked concerned.

"No...phew! It's just my new friend Laura.....sorry, I am just so stressed, I'm not thinking clearly."

"That's ok, I know just how you feel. How about you get us a table and I'll go over to order, then you can get back to your friend. Don't worry, I know what you can't eat —I've been there and done this pregnancy thing twice!"

"Thanks Honor....I really don't feel like anything but I know I have to eat for the baby. Just surprise me." Rory said, feeling grateful to have time to message Laura back.

Thanks for your message Laura. I'm ok but I have had a bit of a shock today. The guy you helped at the airport turned out to be Logan, the father of my baby. I'm at St George hospital now. He's in an induced coma.

Rory, I am so sorry to hear that news!! - I haven't been able to get him off my mind since the accident so I've been praying for him.

Well he really needs your prayers because he has a head injury and also trauma to the spinal cord. I still can't believe that all of that happened from falling down some stairs.

Falls on stairs can be quite serious and the poor thing was kind of hurrying toward the luggage pick up like he was on a mission so he just didn't see this big trolley coming across his path. The impact of the collision sent him falling at great speed. It was awful to see!

I can't bear to think I was so close and didn't know! I should have been there to help him. The doctor said he was lucky to have had good first aid or I guess it could have been worse.

Glad I was able to help. Hey I just remembered that when he was conscious for a few moments, he was saying someone's name. It sounded like 'Ace'. Do you know who Ace would be?

Rory felt a lump forming in her throat as her thoughts went crazy.  "He was calling my name...maybe he saw me...maybe that's why he was hurrying...oh no he probably saw Finn too and wondered why we were together!"

It's me. Logan calls me Ace. He was calling my name.

Rory, I should probably tell you that the last thing he said before blacking out again was 'Ace, I love you'.

Honor returned with a tray of food to find Rory in floods of tears!

"Is everything alright?" Honor asked straight away.

"I haven't heard from Finn, it was my friend from the plane..." Rory sniffed, taking a fresh tissue from Honor. "Would you believe, she saw Logan's accident? ...She is a nurse and went to Logan's aid with another passenger who was a doctor.....Logan was conscious a few moments....and was calling my name...she...told me...he ...said...'I love you'."

Honor dabbed tears from her eyes too, "Rory I know my brother and he hasn't ever stopped loving you all these years."

"I haven't stopped loving him's just ... such a mess with the 'dynastic plan' and we had only been seeing each other in the last year... whenever we happened to be on the same continent....but it wasn't right because of...Odette... the engagement....Logan was going ahead with the we said goodbye two months ago and that was meant to be forever..."

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