Chapter 51: Three Days to Go!

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"Hey Logan," Rory said as soon as they were alone after their visit to Laura's, "Is everything alright? You hardly said anything all afternoon!"

"Yeah I'm okay...." Logan began, not knowing how much of his fears to share with Rory. However, thinking back through everything they had been through, he decided that honesty was best even though it would be hard to talk about his fears and he didn't want to worry her. "I guess there are just some things on my mind that I hadn't thought about until today..."

"Like what?" Rory asked coming to sit close by Logan.

"I'm just so scared of becoming a parent.....I don't know if I can do it! ....As soon as you went to look at the nursery with Laura, Cayden began to cry......I didn't know what to do! I couldn't settle him like Finn did....he picked him up and he walked with him and rocked him and straight away he stopped crying! ......I'm so worried that I really won't be much help at all!" Logan shared.

"Don't you think there are things I am worried about too? I've never really been into babies.....My whole life has been so centred on my career that I have no idea what kind of mother I'll be....but Logan .....we are in this together, .....we made this child together and we'll raise this child together!" Rory replied passionately. "We will just have to feel our way, one day at a time, just like starting a new job....

"I'm sure Laura will have plenty of helpful words of advice and maybe over the next few weeks we could get some practical support from the occupational therapist at the hospital. She would probably be able to come and look at our new home and the nursery once it's set up and she can most likely show you how best to manage. There are probably plenty of parents out there with similar disabilities and they manage to raise their children...."

"I guess you're right Ace, I was just having a freak out! Sorry for worrying you!" Logan said taking Rory's hands in his. "We are in this together and I will support you as best I know I will do anything I can to make things easier for you.....I just want so much to be a good husband .....I'll try to book an appointment with the O.T. today!"

"That sounds more like my fiancé speaking! You are going to be an awesome husband and father!" Rory said as Logan pulled her closer in a kiss.


Excitement was mounting with friends and family all scheduled to arrive over the next few days. Lorelai and Luke had been first to arrive and were staying in the Morgan's beach home. Rory had cried when she first saw her mother. Lorelai was close to tears as she saw how beautiful her pregnant daughter looked. They talked nonstop for the next few hours with Logan and Luke sitting, looking at each other in amazement! Lorelai was very impressed with the Morgan's house and said it would be easy to turn it into an inn by the sea! Each morning as she walked with Rory along the esplanade, she constantly checked out other houses, looking for one that would be suitable to purchase.

"You wouldn't really move here, would you Mom? I can't see Luke leaving the diner!" Rory questioned Lorelai.

"Nah...but I'd love a holiday house here then we could come a couple of times a year and visit you for a month or so without being under your feet." Lorelai replied wistfully. "I don't want my granddaughter to not know who I am!"

"Mom, you have already seen our new house...there's stacks of room and you can come anytime! Anyway, we will probably get sick of the perfect climate here and move back home eventually and don't forget, we will be coming to visit you too!You'll probably get sick of seeing us and you'll be saying 'Oh no! Not the Huntzbergers again!'" Rory said imitating her mother!

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