Chapter 54: The Big Day Arrives!

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All was quiet in the house during the precious stillness before dawn.  As Rory began to stir from her sleep, dreams faded, quickly replaced by the realisation that at last this day was here —the day that would fulfil her heart's deepest desire.

Outside, the sea lapped gently against the rocks and a few seagulls had begun to stir.  Today was Rory's wedding day,  April 17, 2017 - a new beginning, a day that would unite her with Logan forever! As she lay in bed, excitement gripped every part of her and even Rory's daughter seemed to be doing a happy dance inside of her! She couldn't help smiling in anticipation of the incredible promise of joy this day held.

Leaning over to reach her phone to check on the time, Rory noticed the silhouette of a single rose in a vase on her night stand. She definitely hadn't noticed it there when she went to bed. Flicking on the light she caught sight of a pretty little gift bag too! Sitting up, she reached for the bag, pulled out a familiar red box and flipped open the lid to reveal the most dazzling diamond earrings which matched her ring and necklace! Misty eyed, she read the accompanying gift card:

I can't wait to see you today so we can make those promises for our lifetime together! Hope you like the earrings - Just know that you are worth more to me than all the diamonds in the world!
I love you so much,
Logan. xxx

Rory typed out a message to Logan in her phone:

You spoil me but I really love the earrings - you make me feel like a princess!
I can't tell you how excited I am feeling right now. I love you and can't wait to be Mrs Huntzberger!
Yours forever,
Rory xxx
PS.  While you are getting ready today, I want you to listen to this song on your phone - It's called 'I Choose You' by Ryann Darling. If I could, I would sing this for you but here are the lyrics:

You're my always
You're my forever
You're my reality
You're my sunshine
You're my best times
You're my anomaly
And I'd choose you
In a hundred lifetimes I'd choose you
In a hundred worlds I'd find You...
And I'd say, "I do"
For the rest of my life
With all that I have, I do
And I will
When the sky is falling
I promise you I'm all in,
No turning back.
Every day, every moment,
Every breath you take...I choose you.
This is more than just a wedding
This is etched into eternity.
With our union we will move mountains 
We will live on our knees
And He'd choose us
In a hundred lifetimes
He'd choose us
In a hundred worlds He'd find us...
And we'd say, "We do"
For the rest of our lives
With all that we have we do
And we will
When the sky turns black and
He comes back
Riding on the clouds
Every day, every moment,
Every breath we take,
We choose You.
Look into my eyes dear
This is where it starts
I'll give you my whole heart for my whole life.
And I say, "I do"
For the rest of my life
With all that I have, I do
And I will
When the sky is falling
I promise you I'm all in,
No turning back.
Every day, every moment,
Every breath you take...
I choose you.

Tiptoeing along the hall to the bathroom, Rory noticed a crack of light under her mother's door. On her return journey, she quietly tapped on her door. Rory was impressed to see that her mother was already dressed for a walk and followed her down the hall.

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