Chapter 57: The Day After

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Waking up for the first time as a newly married woman, Rory took in the view from the luxurious master suite of their beautiful new house. They had left the blinds tilted open after staring at the stars as they fell asleep, so the morning sun was now flooding in. It was a moment Rory would always remember. She had fallen asleep in Logan's arms and was enjoying just lying there remembering their wonderful wedding day.

Thoughts of the joy of seeing Logan standing up as she walked down the aisle brought a smile to her face. Everything about the day had been just perfect —the weather, the location and having all of their family and friends together in the one place as they declared their love for each other. Rory had enjoyed every moment —well almost every moment. There had been that embarrassing moment when she fainted but at least Finn caught her and the baby was fine.

"Good morning my gorgeous girl!" Rory whispered as she felt her baby moving. "It's just us girls awake here...your dad is still sound asleep! Mommy and Daddy were married day you will see the photos and you'll know that you were there under my beautiful dress! It was such a great day and all the people who love us were there!"

Rory had been able to catch up with everyone at length which made her feel very glad they had a more intimate sized wedding. The guests themselves had a wonderful time and were all still partying on well after Rory and Logan had been farewelled! The children all ended up having a bath or shower upstairs and they fortunately had enough dry clothes to go around. They were given pillows and lay on the floor in the upstairs media room, watching movies together. Several were asleep within minutes!

Meanwhile, Lane and Zack had hijacked the band and started singing old Hep Alien songs! Lorelai and Sookie kept dancing even after everyone else was worn out. Paris and Doyle seemed much more relaxed and had been inspired by Rory and Logan's love and devotion. They couldn't take their hands off each other! Love was definitely in the air!

Finn took Laura home as she needed to get back to relieve her parents from their baby sitting. He couldn't resist popping inside to see Cayden but also didn't want to have to say goodbye to Laura. He had been trying hard all day not to look like a lovestruck teenager but it was harder than he imagined! Finn was desperate to take Laura in his arms but he had to have self control —he didn't want to blow it!

Cayden was sleeping peacefully when they went into the nursery.  They both stood watching him for several minutes, then Laura offered to make a hot drink for them. For the next hour or so, Finn was surprised to find himself relaxing on the sofa next to Laura, reliving all the happy moments of the wedding. Laura kicked off her heels and after mentioning that her feet were a bit sore, Finn at once offered to massage them.

First Finn soaked them in a basin of warm water, then after drying them, gently massaged Laura's petite feet with some peppermint lotion he found in the bathroom. It caused her to feel so relaxed, that within minutes she had almost fallen asleep.

"That was so good Finn," Laura yawned, "It's been a big day! I think I'll have to go to bed....Cayden will be awake at about 2am for his feed....I can't believe how tired I am...sorry Finn....I would love to stay up talking longer ....."

"You definitely need to get to bed then if Cayden will be waking you up at 2am! You are amazing Laura....I don't know how you do it! Don't forget we have the special brunch at Rory and Logan's in the morning. Hope you get some sleep!" Finn said as they walked to the door.

"You too! Goodnight Finn and thanks so much for the massage," Laura said hugging him and enjoying the brief moment of closeness.

"Anytime....Goodnight Laura," Finn replied longing to kiss her but strictly respecting the boundaries. It would seem lonely in his beach house now with Rory and Logan gone. Finn was genuinely happy for his friends but he dreamed of the day he could marry Laura and wake up each day beside her.

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