Chapter 24: Christmas Eve News

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Streaks of golden sunlight crept beneath gaps in Rory's blinds, spilling across the polished timber floors, creating a warm rosy glow.  As she left her dreams behind, Rory smiled as she slowly became aware of the distant rumble of waves as they washed over rocks and the hungry cries of seagulls searching for breakfast.

Suddenly there was a very loud, unfamiliar sound! Startled, Rory sprang out of bed and opened the blinds to see a Kookaburra, beak rising to the sky, beginning its morning chorus. She couldn't believe the volume of the bird as it cackled, chuckled and hooted, sounding very much like a person having a good laugh. Rory couldn't help smiling and thinking it was a great start to the day!

Looking out over the sparkling sea and then along the esplanade, Rory was surprised to see Finn walking toward the house with his surfboard under his arm. He had been awake early after a restless night and had decided he needed to clear his head, ready for the serious matters that would need to be dealt with this morning. Finn had already called the hospital twice since he woke but kept getting the same answer that only relatives were being informed of Logan's current prognosis. Glancing up at his house, Finn noticed Rory's blinds were open. His heart involuntarily began to race as he knew he must tell her the news.

Rory felt excited as she remembered that it was Christmas Eve and they had a list of great things to do. Apart from decorating the Christmas tree, they were going to enjoy a little Christmas shopping in the city. Finn wanted to show her Sydney in all it's festive glory and then head back to the suburbs to enjoy an outdoor Carols By Candlelight event to be held in a nearby park. There was so much to look forward to and then of course there was Christmas Day with the Morgan family.

Hearing Finn coming in, Rory dashed downstairs to greet him. She had Christmas music blaring from her phone and as she reached the kitchen where Finn was standing, he realised that Mariah Carey was singing 'All I want For Christmas Is You'. He silently wished for one thing for Christmas and it wasn't the thing he thought he wanted a day ago. If only his mate was not lying in a hospital —if only he didn't have to break Rory's heart with the delivery of bad news!

"Good morning Finn! How was the surf? Can you believe it's Christmas Eve?" Rory was full of energy today after her amazing sleep on what she thought must be the most comfortable bed she had ever slept in.

"Wow, you are looking much fresher today Love. Hope you didn't mind me going for a surf without you but I was awake so early and the sea was beckoning me. It was perfect —I was ripping' it." Finn said downing a large glass of orange juice.

"I assume that is good! I'm glad you went! You know you don't have to take me every time you go to the beach. I'm happy to do my own thing!...Oh I almost forgot to tell you I heard a kookaburra this was so loud and crazy...I just can't wait to go exploring and meet some more native you ever get kangaroos or koalas down by the beach? What about Emus? Although I don't know if I'd want to run into one of those ....." Rory stopped as she noticed Finn looked distracted, serious and far away. It wasn't like him to tune out to her. "...Is everything Ok Finn?"

Finn looked down as if he were searching for something. "Yeah...I'm ok Kitten...why don't you help yourself to some muesli and yoghurt. There's plenty of fresh fruit there too. I'll just go and wash the salt off me and I'll join you in a few minutes." He finished with a smile but Rory wasn't convinced.

Finn was gone for quite a while, but Rory was used to being around guys in business and just decided to put it down to some issue related to the Morgan franchise of Hotels. He held a more senior role now and probably just had a work call to make.

Upstairs, Finn had actually just had a call from Honor. Her jet had landed and she was going to head to the hospital straight away. Finn said he would be there soon and explained that Rory would be with him. Honor was surprised but thankfully didn't ask why Rory was in Sydney. Ending the call, Finn knew that time had run out! He had to go down and break the news to Rory.

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