Chapter 47: Receiving the News

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Finn was not surprised that Rory had left the house in such a hurry after her encounter with Odette. He imagined the shock of opening the door to her and could quite understand how, after hearing the news of the pregnancy, she wanted to be far, far away.

He kept running until he passed Shelly beach and finally as he rounded a bend, he saw a group of early morning joggers crowded around a park bench. He could see that someone was lying down.  As he came closer, he saw with dread that it was Rory!

"Rory! Rory! Are you alright?" Finn raced to her side, pushing concerned bystanders out of the way.

"Finn? Is that you?" Rory began to cry again. "Oh Finn I feel so dizzy..."

Finn gave Rory the bottle of water and helped her to sit up for a drink and a few bites of the apple Logan had brought. "Your blood sugar levels are probably down. You walked a long way on an empty stomach..."

"I wasn't thinking....Odette came to visit Logan....Finn she's pregnant with his child...Did you know?" Rory was still brushing tears away.

"No I didn't know....Logan just told me about Odette's pregnancy but it's not necessarily his child Rory, sounds like you must have had quite a shock! .......You need to talk to Logan. He was out of his mind with worry when he couldn't find you. ....He will probably be here soon but I think we should get a cab to get you both home for a proper breakfast. shouldn't be out in this heat ....just eat your apple and I'll call a cab now."

Finn had sent a text to Logan as soon as he had spotted Rory, so as he powered along in his wheelchair, there was at least some peace in his heart. However, he couldn't help wondering what was coming next. He wondered how he could convince Rory that everything was still alright with them and that he could be trusted.

Sweat was pouring down Logan's face by the time he saw Finn and Rory in the distance. It was a very hot and humid start to the day and even sitting in the wheelchair was exhausting. He wasn't surprised to see that Finn's shirt was drenched in sweat as he must have been running at top speed to have found Rory so quickly.

Rory was feeling a lot better after having something to eat and felt embarrassed about causing so much trouble by taking off. Seeing Logan coming toward her, she felt quite emotional and part of her wanted to go and give him a hug straight away but something was stopping her.

"Are you okay Ace? I was so worried about you! I'm really sorry about your encounter with Odette....I don't even know how she had the address of where we are living ...she had no right to say it is my child because we don't even have the results of the paternity test yet....You know I love you and I am committed to us no matter what the results say..." Logan poured out his heart, desperately wanting Rory to have the basic facts and feel safe and secure in their relationship.

Rory couldn't look at Logan. She heard every word he said but couldn't really process anything just yet. Finn picked up on the tension and Rory's lack of response and suggested they go and wait by the road for their ride home again. He tried to change the subject by talking about Cayden coming out of the NICU and how excited Laura was going to be to have him at a hospital close to her home. She was going to be allowed to handle him a lot more now that he was out of danger.

"That's really good Finn," Logan responded but Rory was still in a world of her own. He was worried that she may still be feeling light headed, "Are you sure you are okay Ace? Maybe we should go and see a doctor..."

"I'm fine Logan! I just needed something to eat...stop fussing over me!" Rory snapped, sounding quite agitated.

"Sorry...Okay I won't say any more then." Logan sounded hurt and Finn didn't like the way this was heading. He was glad to see the taxi pull up.  They were all silent on the trip back to the beach house.

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