Chapter 8: The Invitation

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When Finn awoke, he did a double take —the beautiful Rory Gilmore was sleeping peacefully beside him! At some stage in the night Paul Anka had jumped off the bed and retreated to his own bed and Rory had rolled over facing Finn, one arm draping across his torso. He thought Rory looked angelic! Finn didn't dare to move even though he needed to use the bathroom!

The rain had stopped and sun was making its way into the room through gaps in the curtains. Finn took in the sight and smell of this moment, determined to remember it always. There was just no comparison between this moment and the numerous times he had woken up next to a woman in the past.

"Logan would flip out if he could see this scene right now!" Finn thought and almost started laughing. "How could he let you slip away?" He wondered as he watched Rory's eyes darting back and forth under closed lids.

"She must be dreaming!" He thought and just then Finn noticed Rory's brow creasing and she pulled away from him saying "No, no, no! Please don't take my baby away!"

"Oh no - she's having a nightmare," Finn thought as she began moving her head from side to side.

"Rory, Rory, it's ok," Finn said while taking her in his arms. "I'm here. It's just a dream. You are safe!" He reassured Rory as her eyes fluttered open. She returned Finn's embrace so firmly as if she never wanted to let go!

"I'm so glad you are here Finn, that was so scary. Mitchum was taking my baby!"

"Everything is ok. I am glad to be here for you Love. What a night eh!' Finn exclaimed, enjoying the moment.

Rory slowly loosened her hold and looked at Finn, her eyes like pools of deep water. He wanted nothing more than to stay there looking at her and enjoying the warmth of being so close.

Just then, Rory felt the first wave of nausea sweep over her! She sprang out of bed and just made it to the ensuite in time!

"What a nightmare to wake up to each morning," Finn thought. "I have to take care of her and I think I know how..."

Finn noticed he had many missed calls —three from Logan. Hearing the shower running, he went downstairs to the bathroom and decided to call Logan.

"Hey mate......sorry I didn't get in touch with you earlier....there was a dreadful storm here and the power was out but everything is alright with Rory. She had lunch with me and she looks great!"

"Ok...that's good. Did you find out why she tried to call me?"

"I think it was just a mistake. She's fine...getting on with her life.... nothing to report really...she's busy writing...that's it basically." Finn hated to deceive his friend by leaving out the other details but he needed to protect Rory.

"Did she mention me at all?"

"Maybe we touched on your upcoming nuptials but that's all."

"So she didn't say she was missing me or having second thoughts..."

"Well it would be a bit late if she did man with just a month 'til your wedding."

"Yeah I guess so. Thanks anyway for checking on her. I am always going to care about her you know. I'll never forget what we had." Logan said with regret in his voice.

"Yeah no worries mate, look I have to go now, catch you later."

A few moments later, Finn heard Rory walking down the stairs. He couldn't wait to tell her about his ideas for keeping her safe!

Rory could sense Finn's excitement as they ate breakfast together but had no idea the proposition he had for her.

"So Love, I've been thinking... do you have any plans for Christmas?"

"Not really —I haven't thought that far will be hard...last Christmas I was in London with Logan then flew home and Mum did Christmas for me here. It was great but I guess things are never going to be the same again..."

"Well I am inviting you to have Christmas with the Australia! How does a warm Christmas sound to you?" Finn looked so excited.

"Well I guess it would be good to be away from everything and everyone. I certainly don't think I could face telling my grandmother yet!"

"I have a little cottage on the beach in the southern suburbs of Sydney. I think you would love it! My parents have a larger house not far from there and so you can hang out with my sister and family too. It is so relaxing there - just the thing for you! I'm actually planning on staying for at least four weeks as I have some hotel business to do and also planned on catching up with family and friends but you can stay as long as you want! Please say you'll come...we are taking the family jet so you won't have to worry about airfares."

Rory had to admit that this sounded perfect! No one would know her in Australia and the thought of skipping the worst of winter was very tempting. She looked deep in thought as Finn waited patiently for her response. He knew there was a lot to consider and was pleasantly surprised to finally hear her enthusiastic reply.

"Thank you so much Finn! I really think I will do it! I will be able to go out and about without thinking I'll run into someone. It will be best for me and the baby! The only thing is, are you sure Logan and the boys won't find out I'm there?"

"Absolutely Love! They know I kind of go off the grid when I go home. I'm always out surfing and partying. There is no way they could find out you are there."

"Ok I'm in! I don't usually make decisions like this without doing a pro/con list but I'm so excited! I can't wait! It will be so great to get away from Stars Hollow, leave all my problems behind and I'll be able to write and really get my head together.....without worrying about what my family think. Hopefully by then I will have stopped throwing up...." Rory said as she quickly exited the room, leaving Finn grinning from ear to ear at the thought of what the future may hold for both of them.


Well that was a quick decision!

Does Finn have a hidden agenda?

Do you think Rory is doing the right thing?

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