Chapter 17: London

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London streets were crowded with shoppers —Christmas was just five days away! Odette was feeling less than festive as she made her way along New Bond Street to check on the progress of their wedding rings. She still had a great deal to do before her wedding in the new year and most of it had been put in her hands to arrange.

Tensions were running high between the engaged couple.  Logan had failed to come home on more nights than Odette could remember and she helplessly watched as their relationship had slowly deteriorated to the point that they were really only together for family events or business meetings.

Odette had tried to have a real relationship with Logan, rather than just a business association. For a while, it had definitely seemed possible but during the last year, something had changed, particularly in the last couple of months.  It was then that Logan started coming home later each night, obviously having consumed quite a lot of alcohol. This is when communication began to break down as he constantly seemed either really angry and argumentative or very detached.

Thinking back to her life before the 'dynastic plan', Odette remembered her happy, carefree life in Paris.  She had only gone along with the arrangement for the sake of her parents and while she had enjoyed getting to know Logan and quite liked all the media attention their engagement brought, she found herself silently longing to be preparing for a marriage of love and commitment instead.

Finally arriving for her appointment at the grand Cartier Boutique, she was immediately taken care of by the head jeweller. He brought up her details on the computer screen and left her momentarily while he retrieved the rings from the safe.

Odette was curious about how much Logan had laid out on her engagement ring and leaned a little closer to see the computer screen more clearly. She was pleasantly surprised by the extravagant amount Logan had spent on her but then looking further, she noticed that there had been another purchase made by her fiancé, just a couple of weeks ago. It was a diamond necklace, which initially excited her, thinking it was probably her wedding gift but then to her horror, she noticed that it had been shipped to Stars Hollow in the US!

"Oh no - I don't believe it! That's where his ex is from..." Odette could feel her heart pounding. "Logan is still seeing her!" She shook her head in disbelief. "All I expect is a bit of loyalty...I can't believe I left my Jean-Paul behind for this!"

It took Odette all her self control to keep her emotions from spilling over when the jeweller returned with the rings. She tried hers on and then politely thanked him as she left on her way to her dress fitting. "This is the very last thing I feel like doing right now, but what other option do I have? My family are relying on me to go through with this wedding!"

Although greatly troubled by the situation she found herself in, Odette was not really surprised. Logan's recent behaviour made sense now but with their wedding so close, did she dare to do anything about it?


On the other side of London, Logan paced around his office at Huntzburger Media. He had already consumed four cups of coffee in an effort to sober up as he hadn't finished drinking until 3 am. Logan knew that by now, Rory would have received the final deliveries that he had organised and he had been checking his phone for messages all morning. He was sure that by now, she would know who the gifts were from.

"I just need something...just a message...I don't even know what she must be thinking! Hell I have probably completely confused her...she knows I'm getting married...I just hope my talk with Mitchum goes well. I can't do this much longer!"

Looking out at the street below, Logan wished with all his heart that he had never allowed himself to get tied up in this ridiculous plan his father concocted. Pacing again, he realised that while he had the hope of seeing his Ace during the past year, the whole charade had seemed more bearable. Having lost her now, his life was nothing but a series of endless disappointments. Logan seemed to have lost all hope.

As he stopped to stare out of the window, he noticed his father stepping from a limousine onto the pavement below. Immediately the knot in Logan's stomach tightened and his pacing resumed. It was now or never, his one chance to hopefully bargain or plead with his father for a way out of this intolerable mess.

Mitchum entered the room with his usual confident attitude. He had very little time to spend checking through every detail of the company in London. Mitchum generally left everything to his son, who had done quite well over recent years but there were a few concerns and he didn't intend going lightly when stating them.

"Logan, I don't have much time you know this is a flying visit," Mitchum began, sitting in Logan's chair and pulling out his laptop. There were no special greetings in his no-nonsense approach. Mitchum barely made eye contact with his son.

" So I won't mince words —Logan, I am concerned that you have been dropping the ball here," at this point Mitchum suddenly looked him in the eye, "And no wonder! You look like you haven't slept for days! Pull yourself together son! You know you can't afford to slacken off, especially since we are taking over that paper in Bristol in the new year.  So what's the problem? Too much focus on the wedding?"

Logan was pacing again, trying to get up the courage to confront Mitchum, to lay it on the line with him.

"Yes there have been some issues here but I am on top of it Dad....well as much as I can be. You mentioned the's just been hard..." Logan was cut off with another tirade of words.

"Hard? .....Hard? ....You don't know what hard is son.! Surely Odette is taking care of the wedding details so that doesn't really leave you with an excuse! You are lucky she is so talented as well as beautiful! You've got it made Logan and I think you are just slacking off! And that brings me to the next thing......I have heard rumours from a reliable source that you have been drinking again. It's not going to help if you're out with your college friends being irresponsible!"

"I haven't seen my Yale friends for months Father! When would I have time? Yes I have had a drink or two but if you must know, it's the stress of the thought of marrying someone I don't even love that's the problem! This dynastic plan of yours might look good on paper but I'm over it! I want out!"

"You don't have to love her Logan! Do you think I loved your mother when I married her? It's too late to back out ...preliminary contracts have already been signed, the merger will happen. Think of someone other than yourself Logan —we are building an empire —it takes sacrifice, sweat and tears! Man up! That's my final word on the matter." And without a 'goodbye' or a 'Merry Christmas', Mitchum was gone, leaving Logan shell-shocked, drained and despairing.

Just then, he heard his phone receiving a message. His hopes that Rory might be contacting him were dashed as he saw the message was in fact from his fiancé.

We need to talk. I know about the diamond necklace you sent your ex. I'm coming to the office. Will be there in 20 mins. O.

How is Logan going to handle this?

Will Rory contact him to talk about the gifts?

Will she change any of her plans? We will be back in Stars Hollow in Chapter 18 - see you there!

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