Chapter 6: Unexpected Visitor

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The following morning, Rory was pleased to wake up in her own bed, alone and feeling in control of her life. She had made some necessary decisions and was determined to be strong for the sake of this child. Making a doctor's appointment was on the top of her list today and doing some shopping to fill the fridge and pantry with healthy food was next.

Slowly, Rory eased herself to a sitting position, hoping to miss out on the wave of nausea that had gripped her the previous mornings. Just as she stood to her feet, it came, overwhelming her and sending her running in the direction of the bathroom!

Standing by the toilet, heaving over and over, she didn't hear the back door open and only became aware she was not alone when she felt her hair being lifted off her was Jess!

"Ror, are you ok?" Jess asked anxiously. He hated to think she was alone, going through this pregnancy and it added to his growing resentment of Logan.

After dry reaching for another minute or so, she replied, "I'm doing just fine. Why are you here?"

Jess looked uncomfortable, "I...I just wanted to check in on you and bring you some breakfast..."

"Thank you. Well you can see that everything is quite normal here but really I'm doing much better today. Will you just excuse me while I shower and dress?"

"Yeah sure, no worries, I'll just be in the kitchen making tea," Jess retreated and began making himself busy. He couldn't help thinking how different Rory seemed today as he cut some fresh fruit to go with the yogurt he had brought for her breakfast.

"Here I am," Rory announced a short while later, as she joined Jess at the kitchen table. She was wearing a pale pink sweater with denim jeans. Jess was pleased to see more colour in her cheeks and a sparkle in her eyes, replacing the previous days tears.

"You seem so much brighter today," Jess observed pouring Rory a cup of hot ginger tea. "Any particular reason for this?"

"l just decided it was time I took charge of this situation. I'm not going to fall apart just because I'm having a baby. I can do this by myself just like my mother did."

"That's more like the Rory I know! I'm so pleased you are feeling more on top of things," Jess said reaching across the table and grabbing Rory's hands in his. "But you don't have to do it all alone Ror —I'm here for you."

Jess was staring into Rory's eyes, getting lost in the depths until she suddenly pulled her hands away from his and stood up.

"I forgot to feed Paul Anka!" Rory exclaimed obviously trying desperately to change the direction of the breakfast conversation.

"Ok if you are alright, I will just get back to the diner. Enjoy your breakfast and I'll see you later....." Jess said, feeling he was clutching at straws. It seemed clear that Rory was pulling away from him.

"Yeah maybe, I have quite a bit to do today and I must get serious about finding consistent work now that I have to consider the baby.  My book is not enough. Thanks for breakfast and everything Jess. I still can't believe I'm enjoying fruit and yoghurt!"

Jess smiled as he retreated out the back door. "That's ok! Yeah I thought I'd never see the day when a Gilmore girl would eat healthy food! Luke won't believe it!"

Rory was pleased she was able to get out of that situation. She really liked Jess a lot and really didn't want to hurt him. Now was not the time to be revisiting old relationships!


Finn always enjoyed a drive away from the city and was happy to be out on such a gorgeous Fall day. The trees that lined the road were aflame with red and yellow leaves that resembled fire as he sped along in his blue Porsche.

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