Chapter 18: Ultimatums & Escapes

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As Logan awaited the arrival of his fiancée, he pulled out a bottle of scotch. He knew that if he had any hope of surviving the incoming storm, he would need to be prepared!

At this point he had no idea of exactly what to say in response but he was leaning toward telling the truth and apologising.  It wouldn't help matters to let her know about all the flowers and other gifts —Logan just hoped he had covered his tracks and she would never find out about them.

Logan hadn't ever meant to hurt Odette and he admitted to himself that she deserved better than this. However, the reality was that they were both trapped and neither of them were really to blame as they were victims of families who valued wealth over love.

By the time Logan's secretary buzzed him to announce Odette's arrival, he had already consumed a third of the bottle of scotch! He quickly used a peppermint mouth spray in an effort to disguise the smell of the alcohol before Odette entered his office.

"You have a nerve Logan Huntzburger! Sending that Rory an expensive diamond necklace - yes I saw it in your account details at Cartier this morning! What do you have to say for yourself? We are supposed to be getting married in 3 weeks time!"

"Odette, just calm down. Look I'm sorry...I stuffed up...Yes I bought Rory the her.....this is all so complicated and I've really had a gut full of this dynastic plan - it's ruining our lives!" Logan explained desperately.

"It's called self control Logan...if I can have it, why can't you? There is a hell of a lot riding on this for both of our families....have you forgotten what we have already signed?" Odette asked, glaring at him with angry eyes.

"No I haven't Odette! I've just had Mitchum in here reminding me too!"

"Yes I know Logan...I met him down on the street and yes I told him about your little indiscretion!" Odette smiled like the cat who had just swallowed the canary.

Logan looked like he was about to explode, "How dare you! You had no right to bring my father into this!"

"Calm down Logan..." Odette moved closer to Logan, sniffing the air in disgust. "Have you been drinking already today? Don't bother trying to deny it, I can smell it on you —you think a few puffs of peppermint spray can fool me?" Odette asked smugly.

Logan didn't know what to say. He was beginning to switch off her voice —he had learned to walk away from Odette in his mind. It was as if her voice was getting harder and harder to hear and yet she was standing right in front of him.

"You need to get yourself sorted Logan - I am leaving tonight for Christmas in Paris with my family. You have until my return on New Year's Eve to sober up, cut all ties with that woman and start showing loyalty toward me. I will not have my family name disgraced because of a scandal like this. No I don't expect you to love me but I never want to see or hear her name again!"

With that, Odette turned and left. Logan was barely able to function as he looked at his phone to see a message from Mitchum:

We cannot afford a scandal! If you don't, I will be forced to step in.

Cancelling all of his appointments for the rest of the day, Logan picked up his phone and laptop and organised for Frank to be ready to pick him up. He sculled down another large quantity of scotch and left the building.


Lorelai stood in the doorway of Rory's room. Watching her sleeping had always brought her so much happiness. "Soon she'll be watching her own child sleeping," she reflected as she noticed her starting to stir.

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