Chapter 52: The Uninvited Guests

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Rory and Logan carefully re-read the text message, just in case they had made a mistake:


We just landed in Sydney! Once we freshen up at our hotel, we will be calling in to see you this afternoon. Mum and Dad.

"Did you send them an invitation Ace?" Logan asked, still in shock.

"Of course I didn't Logan!" Rory replied trying to stay calm but the thought of Shira and Mitchum coming to her wedding just made her mad.

"Sorry...I know they are the last people we thought would even want to come to our wedding....Honor didn't say anything about them coming....they were coming on a commercial flight but Mom and Dad must have known it was this weekend and decided to come too!" Logan looked concerned and Rory was disappointed that it had changed his mood already.

"We haven't even spoken to them for weeks!" Rory added still trying to come to terms with the fact that this whole weekend could be very different to how they had planned it.

"I know! The only time I spoke at length with my mother and may have mentioned the wedding, was about 6 weeks ago, when she was standing up for Odette over the paternity test." Logan recalled. "It wasn't a good conversation at all and then there was the awkward phone call when I called to tell them that Odette was not carrying their grandson. Mother tried to defend her saying she had probably just made a 'mistake' and the stress of the cancelled wedding had caused a 'lapse in her judgement'. That was the last I heard from them."

"They probably want to try to stop us from getting married Logan....your parents never approved of me!" Rory said feeling her emotions overcoming her.

"They can't stop us from getting married Ace...They just didn't try to get to know was their loss!......Now just listen to me," Logan said firmly, taking Rory's hands in his and looking into her eyes that were now glistening with tears, "I don't want you to get yourself all stressed about this —it's not good for the baby! Let's just trust God with this whole situation....we both know that's the only way to handle it."

"Yes, I guess you're right Logan and there are other visitors arriving this afternoon that we need to give our attention to." Rory said as Logan wiped away a tear that had made it's way down her cheek.

"That's more like it! Now you just carry on as usual Ace and make sure you have time for a lie down before the other guests start to arrive. It's going to be a big weekend for you!" Logan said protectively.

"Ok ...yes I might go lie down now. I'll have to pace myself...I have a feeling it's going to be a huge weekend!" Rory said as she headed to the bedroom.


Logan was pleased that Rory had managed to fall asleep and he just hoped that he would be able to get any confrontation with Shira and Mitchum over with before she woke up.

It wasn't long before he heard a car pull up out on the street, and looking through the blinds, he saw his parents emerge and walk towards the house.

Logan opened the door before they knocked and told them to speak softly because Rory was sleeping. He ushered them straight out onto the deck and closed the door, hoping to prevent Rory from being exposed to anything unpleasant.

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