Chapter 21: The Accident

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"Welcome to Sydney! I missed you Love!"Finn said as he rushed to greet Rory, very pleased that their flights had landed within minutes of each other. "You look incredible...they obviously looked after you well."

"Yes they certainly did but sorry I can't say the same for you Finny!" Rory said reaching up to tame a wayward curl that had fallen across his eyes. He looked like he hadn't slept at all! "I feel so guilty that I had a lovely bed to stretch out on while you were all cramped up!"

"Don't you feel guilty at all! I wouldn't have had it any other way! I'm sure I will eventually regain full use of my legs!" Finn said walking with an exaggerated limp, "However, I sincerely hope that our private jet is fixed ready for the return journey or I may be forced to sail home instead! Someone should write a book on etiquette for long haul flights! Maybe I will give it a try...I have enough stories to fill a book after that trip!"

As they headed out of customs and to the luggage carousels, Rory told Finn about meeting Laura. Finn was interested to know she was a redhead and thought they should try to catch up very soon!

Logan was just walking out of customs when he realised his phone battery was flat, he was mad at himself for not recharging on the plane. Now he would have to wait even longer to send the message to Rory!

As he was looking for a place to do a quick recharge, he noticed a guy in the distance, who looked very much like Finn, waiting for his luggage at the carousel. Logan was so pleased to see him but then thought he was hallucinating, when he saw a figure that looked like his Ace standing right alongside of Finn.

"It couldn't be.." Logan said slowly, his heart beginning to race.

Wanting to get a better look, Logan began to rush toward them. He was at least 40 metres away, but as he came closer, he knew he wasn't mistaken!

With his gaze fixed on Rory and his mind thinking of all the possible reasons they would be here together,  Logan didn't see a large trolley being wheeled across his path. Several people called out, "Watch out mate!" But Logan, his mind on one thing only,  didn't hear them!

The trolley ploughed into him, sending Logan rolling helplessly down a long flight of stairs. He landed with a sickening thud as his head hit the concrete floor below!

Travellers who had seen the accident gasped but in all the busyness of the arrivals area, most people obliviously continued on their way, heading toward the luggage pick up. Logan lay there motionless.

Fortunately there had been a doctor on board Logan's flight who had noticed what had happened and he rushed down the stairs to render assistance. Laura, having been delayed in customs, saw the whole situation unfold. She had a background in nursing, so quickly dropped her bag and went to see if she could help.  Airport staff were advised to call an ambulance at once!

The doctor did not move Logan, although he was lying in an awkward position. It was immediately apparent that he had several broken bones and the position in which he landed, left the doctor suspecting possible neck and spinal injuries. After checking his vitals, he asked for the area to be cleared to make way for the paramedics' arrival. He warned the Airport staff that time was crucial, as the patient may also potentially have internal injuries.

Just then, Logan moaned as he momentarily regained consciousness and said, "Ace...Ace...I" but everything quickly slipped away into darkness again.

"I wonder who Ace is?" Laura pondered.

"I was on his flight," the doctor began, "And it didn't look like he was travelling with anyone. I do hope he has family here because he's going to need a great deal of support. I hope he pulls through for this Ace person!"

"So do I..." Laura said, sending up a prayer for this poor injured stranger. "He needs you God and I have a feeling this 'Ace' he  was calling will need you too!"


A short time later, Rory and Finn were walking to their taxi when they saw an ambulance crew arriving and being ushered into the building by Airport staff.

"Oh dear, I hope someone hasn't had a heart attack or anything," Rory said, "It's so close to Christmas, I hate to think of anyone spending the holidays in a hospital!"

"It's probably just something minor Love —nothing for you to worry about!" Finn said opening the cab door for Rory. He was just pleased to have her safely beside him.

On the 50 minute drive to Cronulla, Finn soon fell asleep and after Rory messaged her mom to let her know she had arrived safely, she checked her phone multiple times, hoping that any moment she would see a message from Logan. She just couldn't get him off her mind, especially since her talk with Laura on the plane. She was sure he would have seen her message and replied.

"Maybe he has changed his mind, or Odette has seen it!" Rory thought, wishing she could just ring him but knew that could be too risky. "No, I will just have to wait and in the mean time, enjoy being here!"

A short while later, the cab pulled up in front of Finn's gorgeous cottage. Finn stirred from his nap. "We are here Kitten! Oh I can't wait to breathe in that intoxicating sea air," he said as he rushed around to open Rory's door.

Rory was already feeling the heat and had removed her sweater, forgetting about her diamond necklace which she wore underneath. "Wow Kitten! What a stunning necklace! It almost blinded me when the sun hit it! Who gave you that?"

Rory looked uncomfortable, realising she had yet to tell Finn about the special deliveries from Logan. "I'll tell you later...I just can't wait to see your house Finn!" Rory rushed past him, down the stone path edged with beautiful blue agapanthus flowers and stood waiting for him on the quaint front porch. She just needed time to think about how much she was going to tell Finn and really didn't want to think about it all at that stage.

The two storey white weatherboard home overlooked the dazzling Tasman Sea. Rory was excited as she walked inside and was led upstairs to her room which had stunning uninterrupted water views that instantly made her feel like writing. "Oh Finn it's just amazing!"

"You haven't seen your writing room yet..." Finn said leading Rory to an incredibly light room with picture windows that took in the view and allowed you to see all the way up and down the beach. By the window was a gorgeous antique oak desk and comfortable leather chair.

"Oh this is perfect..." Rory said with tears beginning to slide down her cheeks. "You are such a good friend Finn...I don't know how I can ever repay you for helping me!"

Finn embraced Rory and kissed her on the forehead, "I would do anything for you and that precious baby! Now I am going to leave you to unpack and have a shower or a spa bath —yes your room has the most luxurious ensuite and it is fully stocked with local products that I think you will really enjoy! I had my sister do a little interior decorating too.....all the linen is new especially for you!"

"Finn you are spoiling me! You really have turned into such a caring, completely gorgeous guy!" Rory exclaimed getting even more teary. "Oh these jolly hormones!"

"Sorry for making you cry Kitten, don't worry I'm going now......I have to wash the memory of that flight away! See you downstairs! I was thinking we could make up a picnic basket to take down to the beach........I just can't wait to show you around and then we have to go and get a Christmas tree. I can't believe it's Christmas Eve tomorrow!"

"Oh I completely forgot we had lost a day and I have temporarily forgotten about Christmas because it's Summer!" Rory was genuinely surprised at herself.

"Don't worry, you'll get used to the heat and we will have the most unforgettable Christmas ever!"


How are you all doing? Hope Logan's accident wasn't too upsetting for you - we will check on his prognosis in Chapter 22 but it doesn't look like he will be walking down the aisle with Odette any time soon!

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