Chapter 10: Lane's Visit

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Rory had completely forgotten that she had arranged to catch up with Lane after dinner, only remembering when she heard a knock at the front door. She quickly saved her chapter and dashed out to the living room where her best friend had already been welcomed in and stood there, all smiles, chatting with Lorelai and Luke.

"Lane you escaped from your boys! So great to have you visit!" Rory enveloped her friend in a warm embrace, making a mental note to put reminders on her phone of all future events. She had read about 'pregnancy brain' and was definitely experiencing it now!

"I was grateful to get out of there! It's ages since we have had a good catch up!" Lane said as Rory just marvelled at how she had never appeared to change over all the years she had known her.

"Well Luke and I are off to bed for an early night —he will be up early roasting the turkey. Goodnight." Lorelai smiled as she took Luke by the hand and led him upstairs.

"Would you like a cup of tea or hot cocoa?" Rory asked her visitor.

"Have you run out of coffee?" Lane asked, not sure that she had ever been offered tea to drink in the Gilmore home.

"No just not drinking coffee right now...." Rory knew her friend could be getting suspicious.

"Anyone would think you were pregnant.........." Lane said laughing but then she saw that look in her friend's eyes. "Oh my goodness......are you...... are you really pregnant?" Lane asked quietly.

"I had a feeling you would guess...Yes,  I am about 8 weeks!" Rory said trying to sound casual about it all, watching her friend's reaction. "That's what I wanted to talk to you about..."

"Oh congratulations......Wow! .......I thought I hadn't seen you around a lot since the wedding. So are you still seeing Paul?" Lane wondered. It had always been quite tricky keeping up with her jet-setting journalist friend. She had watched her go through her early romantic relationship with Dean then Jess then Dean again and finally Logan. Paul just didn't seem to fit but she hadn't really seen much of him. Lane didn't like to ask who the father was but she didn't need to wonder.

"Just so you know, Logan is the father...we had a final fling before his wedding and......this is the result!" Rory said amazed at how easy it was becoming to share her secret.

"So how does Logan feel about it? Gosh that's awkward...when is the wedding?"

"Well I have actually decided not to tell him —Logan's family would be devastated if their "dynastic plan" was in jeopardy. He gets married just after Christmas. I just don't want any trouble for this child. We don't even live on the same continent - it just has disaster written all over it!"

"Ok I see your point and as a mother I understand. The only thing is that as imperfect as he might be as a father, your child will want to know him," Lane reasoned. "Also how are you going to prevent any of Logan's friends or family from seeing you with the child in the future. It is bound to look like him!"

Lane had a valid point but Rory was pleased to be able to explain,"I'm not going to look too far into the future at this stage. I can't really. I have been invited to Australia with Finn and his family for Christmas. I won't know anyone there and I will have time to make plans for the future. I'm leaving just before Christmas."

"Oh wow, that sounds like a great idea! Time away will help you gain perspective and work out what's important," Lane said wisely. "All I would say is that I know that Zach would have been devastated to miss out on the twins as they have grown up. He loves them so much! He's not perfect —neither of us are but the boys have really benefitted from having a dad who is there for them."

"Well we will have to see what happens....but I'm just taking a day at a time!" Rory said, beginning to yawn.

"You need to get off to bed —I remember going to bed at 8pm when I was pregnant!" Lane reflected. "I had better head home and make sure the boys are in bed. Anyway Rory, remember, I am here for you, whenever you need me!"

"Thanks so much Lane...I'm very lucky to have you in my life. I'm sure I'll need lots of advice especially once the baby arrives!" Rory said as she hugged her friend.

"Goodnight my friend - sleep won't be too many months before you will be woken up all through the night!" Lane warned. "Enjoy the peace while you can and have a great day tomorrow!"

After seeing Lane off, Rory relaxed with a warm shower before curling up in her bed. As tired as she was, it took some time to fall asleep. She was feeling so grateful for loyal friends and as she thought more about the call from Logan, she took time to thank God for the little gift growing inside her. She felt thankful for the love they had shared. It hadn't been perfect but was anything in this world perfect? She longed for happiness and had been earnestly seeking it for some years now.

"Maybe I've been trying too hard. Maybe I've been expecting too much. Maybe....
maybe I've yet to really know and experience true love..." Rory thought.

Rory was searching for answers and needing to get off to sleep so she rolled over to grab a book to read for a while but instead grabbed the little Bible she accidentally took from the church —she had almost forgotten it was there and had intended to take it back.

As she flipped open the pages, she was surprised when her eyes spotted these words about "Love"...
"Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance."(1 Corinthians‬ ‭13:4-7‬ ‭NLT‬‬)

Rory read these words over and over. "Could these words really be true?" She wondered. "Will I ever find a person who will love me with love like that? 'Love never gives up', never gives up, never gives up....endures through every circumstance...every circumstance..."

As Rory felt herself drifting off to sleep, she had a feeling that over the coming months, she would surely have the opportunity to find out if this could be true!


It's so great that Rory and Lane have been friends all these years. Did you like Lane's advice?

Are the words at the end about love too far fetched?

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