Chapter 29: Awakening

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"Logan...Logan...did you hear me?" Rory's eyes were wide with excitement as she waited for his response.

There it was again!  Logan squeezed her hand a little firmer this time and Rory noticed his forehead crinkling. By this time the nurse had called the doctor and was busy checking all the monitors. Finn and Honor had just walked in when the doctor arrived. 

"What's happening? Is Logan awake?" Finn asked just as the nurse requested that they all wait outside while the breathing tube was removed and further checks were done.

"Logan squeezed my hand...twice! He could hear me....oh I can't wait to see him open his eyes! I wonder if he has heard everything we've been saying?...I wonder if he heard me say I was pregnant? Will he be happy about it?" The next 30 mins were torture for Rory as they waited to be allowed back in. She asked question after question, not really expecting anyone to give her an answer. It was as if she was just thinking out loud.

"Do you think he is ok?... Something could have gone wrong...why aren't they calling us in yet?" Rory asked, becoming increasingly anxious.

Finn had his arm around her and just reassured her over and over, "The doctor knows what he is doing Love and they will call us back in very soon."

Honor had suggested they all go down to the cafe and have a proper break together but there was no way Rory was going to leave. Moments later, the doctor came out to see them all.

"How is he Doctor? Is everything alright? Is he breathing on his own ok?" Rory fired her questions before he could speak.

"Logan is doing just fine at the moment. I don't anticipate any side effects from being in the coma as it was for a short period of time. He is breathing well on his own although with the broken ribs, we have had to increase his morphine dose to make sure he is breathing deeply. We want to prevent fluid developing on the lungs. The drugs will make him very drowsy so you might not get to see him fully awake just yet. He will find it hard to talk for a while so we will have to be patient until we can find out more regarding the extent of any permanent damage to the brain and spinal cord. The main thing is that the swelling of the brain has subsided, his brain wave patterns look much better and all his vitals are stable."

"Thank you Doctor, we are so pleased with the news," Honor said, breathing a sigh of relief.

"It just worked out well as I had been called in for another patient so was already in the building. Hope you can all have a Christmas meal together today —Logan will be fine.......he just needs to rest now. Rory you should try to rest today too —Logan would want that for the baby."

"Thank you, we will try to make that happen Dr Conway. Merry Christmas to you!" Finn said wondering what the likelihood of getting Rory to agree to leave would be.

Walking back in to see Logan, Rory was so pleased that finally she could see his lips and there was now one less noisy machine in the room. He seemed to be sleeping peacefully.

"Why don't you and Finn go to Christmas Lunch at the Morgans' Rory? I will stay here and promise I will ring you straight away if there are any issues. You really need a break for a few hours and must try to get some sleep —you heard what the doctor said!" Honor was firm but knew that Rory couldn't go on with only a few hours sleep.

"Come on Kitten, it will do you good. We can eat with my family and then just go home for a nap. We are only 40 minutes away from the hospital and can be back here really quickly if need be." Finn had a desperate look in his eyes.

"I will agree to having a sleep but I am not leaving the hospital. I know you are all just thinking about what's best for me but I need to be would make me feel really anxious to be 40 minutes away." Rory stated, having the final say.

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