Chapter 56: The Reception

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"Rory! Are you alright? Can you hear me?" Logan asked desperately as he stared at her lifeless body in Finn's arms.

"Stand back everyone, you're crowding the patient...she needs to get some air," Paris said as she quickly took charge of the situation, taking Rory's pulse.

"Do we need to call an ambulance Paris?" Lorelai asked but there was no reply.

"Somebody should call one just in case!" Emily demanded looking quite shocked.

Laura ran to her friend's side, bringing a small glass of water. Finn was beginning to get used to catching Rory and had done a great job, especially since Rory weighed a lot more now than when she fainted at the hospital at Christmas.

"That was a great catch Finn!" Robert commended his friend, "I managed to film it!"

All of the guests were quite shaken and waited and watched for signs Rory might regain consciousness. Christopher was particularly upset and helplessly paced the floor.  Jess felt like he couldn't breathe. Even though Rory officially belonged to Logan now, he cared for her deeply and this proved it. In fact all of the guests cared, even Shira and Mitchum who stood by Logan and assured him that Rory would be just fine.

"Can you people please move back! I don't want to ask you again! Don't just stand there Doyle, run out to the car and get my black bag!" Paris barked.

"I was concerned she hadn't had enough to drink," Laura said to Paris, "she was afraid to drink too much —didn't want to be running off to the bathroom in the middle of the ceremony. I've been with her all day and she probably hasn't eaten enough either..."

"What took you so long Doyle? It would have been quicker to get one of the children to get it!" Paris said impatiently as she snatched the bag from her husband and reached in for her stethoscope just as Rory's eyes fluttered open.

The band took that sign as a signal to start playing again to regain the relaxed, celebratory atmosphere of the reception. They began with "Viva la Vida". Paris scowled in their direction and they lowered their volume.

"What happened? Logan? Did I miss everything? Is the baby alright?" Rory asked as Paris continued to examine her.

"You're fine Rory, the baby's fine.....Just lie still while I check a few more things. It sounds like you just haven't had enough to eat and drink today. When was your last appointment with your Obstetrician?"

"Last week..." Rory replied beginning to feel very embarrassed indeed as she noticed concerned faces looking at her.

"Everything was great...they said things were perfect...." Logan was quick to add.

"Your blood pressure is quite low.....Rory, have you had any headaches, numbness, tingling in the limbs? Impaired speech, blurred vision?" Paris wasn't good at waiting for answers but Rory was trying to indicate "No" to all of them.

"Okay, let's see if we can get you to sit up very slowly so we can get some water into you." Paris had Finn slowly raise Rory's head then body.

"I'm so sorry Logan, I hope I didn't worry you too much." Rory said holding his hand.

Logan smiled to hide the panic that had overwhelmed him and said, "You're just trying out those vows wanted to see if I would keep my promises! I'm still here and you'll be just fine as soon as you get something to eat.  You've had a bit too much excitement I think! Anyway at least my best man was able to come to your rescue!"

"Finn? Did you catch me again?" Rory asked feeling so grateful for their friend.

"Happy to be at your service Love! As long as you're alright....I'll catch you whenever you least until Logan is up to it, then I'm sure he will want to do the honours....." Finn began but was interrupted by Lorelai, Luke, Christopher and Emily expressing their thanks to him.

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