Chapter 27: The Christmas Miracle

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Honor felt like she was going to explode as she put her phone away in disgust after hanging up on Mitchum. She needed to calm down before she went back to Logan so she went for a quick power walk out of the hospital into the fresh warm air. Honor had spent her life making excuses for her parents lack of love and finally she was through with both of them.

"It just makes me sick! I am not going to expect anything from either of them anymore...I will cut off all ties and I don't care if I lose my inheritance! My priority is Josh, the boys and Logan. I will support Rory through her pregnancy so the further away I am from Mitchum and Shira, the better!" Honor thought to herself as she almost sprinted across a nearby park.


Finn had gone to have lunch —he was exhausted and relieved to leave the sounds of ICU, even though he hated leaving Rory. On his way out he asked the nurse to keep an eye on her. Finn knew it was time he touched base with Robert and Colin. He quickly sent off a message to them both:

Hi guys,

Sorry but I have some bad news to share. Logan is in an induced coma with head and spinal injuries here in Sydney. Did either of you know he was coming here to visit? Logan didn't mention it to me. He had a bad fall down some stairs at the airport when he arrived. Finn

Honor was just walking back in through the hospital foyer when she spotted Finn in the cafe. "Finn, is everything okay up there?"

"Yeah they have just done an EEG and they said that they are happy to see some improvement. Apparently they hadn't expected to see improvement this early," Finn reported.

"Wow! It's so good to hear some good news!" Honor's face lit up for the first time since she had arrived.

"Yeah I'm so happy! Hey, Rory seems better since she had lunch with you —whatever you said has really helped. Anyway, how are you doing Honor? Are you alright?" Finn asked noticing Honor seemed to be flustered.

"Yes as ok as I will ever be with Mitchum and Shira as my parents! I'm not getting into it but I will say I rang Mitchum to update him on the situation and all he could talk about was the company and who was replacing Logan!" Honor explained getting upset all over again.

"Woah! That's....I don't even have a word...sorry Honor but you know you have my support. Are you going to stay with us? There is plenty of room...." Finn offered.

"Thanks Finn," Honor said taking his hands in hers, "but I think I will just stay at the closest hotel so I can get back here really fast if needed. They told me the Novotel at Brighton is only 9 minutes away."

"Ok that's probably best," Finn agreed. "You must be so tired after the long trip —you should try and head there soon so you can have a nap. I will take care of Rory and update you on Logan if there is any change."

"You know I might just do that. I have to call Josh too —the boys are really unsettled because I left in such a hurry. Will you tell Rory I will be back in a bit? I just have to collect my luggage from the front desk."

"Have a good rest and we will see you later!" Finn kissed Honor on the cheek, just as a new message appeared on his phone:

So shocked to hear the news about Logan! We didn't know he was coming to see you. Colin and I are flying to Sydney tonight on the McCrae jet. Will let you know when we arrive. Robert

You're the best! Thanks so much - see you in a day. Finn

When Finn returned to the ICU, Rory was still holding Logan's hand and had fallen asleep —her head resting against the side of the bed.

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