Chapter 40: The Diagnosis

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Staring at the door and listening for the sound of an approaching ambulance, Logan began to panic. He thought of all the things that could have possibly gone wrong upstairs and it made him feel physically sick! Logan had tried to manoeuvre his wheel chair to be closer to the bottom of the stairs so maybe Rory would hear him or he could hear her if she was calling out but he only managed to move a short distance but in the wrong direction!

Logan's voice was hoarse with screaming Rory's name out and in desperation he was also crying out for help from a higher source. Tears had begun rolling down his cheeks when the front door suddenly opened and the wind blew Finn into the living room!

"It's just awful out there! I've never seen such a shocking storm here! It came out of nowhere, there are trees down, debris all over the even looks like it's been snowing, there is so much hail out there! It was so dangerous on the roads...I really picked the wrong day to drop by to get some more clothes to take to the hotel!" Finn rambled on, not looking directly at Logan at first, as he was busy removing his wet jacket.

"Mate! What's happened? Are you okay? Where's the nurse? Where's Rory?" Finn was panicking now.

"She's upstairs...she had a bath...I heard a thud....she isn't answering and Andrew's gone to the chemist so I rang for an ambulance...I didn't know what to do!" Logan managed to say, his voice thick with emotion as he tried to pull himself together. He was so thankful that Finn had arrived!

Immediately, Finn leapt up he stairs, taking two or three steps at a time, adrenaline surging through his body. Afraid of what he might find, he entered Rory's room. His eyes found her lying lifeless on the floor, just outside of the ensuite —a bath robe barely wrapped around her. Approaching her he gasped as he saw a small pool of blood on the floor where her head lay.

"Rory....Rory....can you hear me?" Finn asked, picking up her hand, relieved to feel her warmth and feeling for her pulse. He tried to find the source of the bleeding but he knew it was important not to move her too much. She was breathing but looked so pale, it scared him! Finn yelled down the stairs to Logan as he knew he would be going out of his mind with worry.

"Logan...she has had a little fall...maybe she fainted after her bath...she'll be okay...I'll stay with her until the ambulance gets here."

"Thank you God for sending Finn!" Logan muttered as the sound of hail on the roof intensified again.

"It's taking too long! Is she conscious yet?" Logan yelled out just moments later, so afraid of the answer.

"No mate but I can feel her pulse...I'm going to ring Laura...she'll know what I should do." Finn said in desperation.

"Laura...I'm at home and Rory's fainted after having a bath...the nurse isn't here and Logan called the ambulance but there's a terrible storm and I don't know what to do!...She's also bleeding from her head...she must have hit it as she fell." Finn hoped Logan wasn't able to hear all of those details as he would completely flip out!

"Finn...take a breath and listen carefully..." Laura instructed calmly, "You need to carefully tilt her head back to open her airway....look, listen and feel for normal breathing..."

"Okay yes she is breathing alright but she's pale and I'm worried about the bleeding...there's a lot of blood here..." Finn said desperately.

"Okay, first slowly roll Rory onto her left side ...just about 15 degrees and support her....then have a look to see if you can see where the bleeding is coming from." Laura was very concerned for her friend but didn't show it in her voice.

"What's happening Finn? Is she awake yet?" Logan shouted up the stairs desperate for an update.

"I'm getting instructions from Laura on the phone Logan..." Finn called back.

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