Chapter 15: Early Christmas

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The sound of Kirk's pink van pulling into the driveway the next morning, alerted Rory to another potential delivery. Sure enough, the Petal's Posy was for Rory and just like the previous day, there was no card attached. Kirk just announced that today's bouquet was specifically from the 'Sweet Promises' range —there was nothing more he could tell her but that he would see her tomorrow.

Rory placed her 'Sweet Promises' next to her 'Just Because' bouquet and sat down staring at the contacts list on her phone, trying to work out who could be sending her flowers. She scrolled up and down the list several times and finally gave up in frustration. Her mom and Luke had already left for work and so she asked Paul Anka...

"Why would someone spend so much money on flowers and want to remain anonymous? It all seems a bit pointless to me! Anyway I just don't have time to think about it, there's too much to be done!" Paul Anka just stared with a sympathetic sort of look and then went back to sleep!

The next morning, the flowers were from the 'Love and Romance' range. This was followed by 'Sunset Dreams', 'Devoted to You' and then 'You have my Heart' on consecutive days which led up to the special Early Christmas/Bon Voyage celebration.

The flower deliveries had become quite the talking point of the family and indeed the whole town as Kirk's pink van made its way to the same house day after day. Everyone was asking if they knew who was sending the flowers. Luke suggested it was probably an advertising gimmick of Kirk's but Lorelai didn't think he would spend so much money on advertising!

Rory was quite relieved to hear that Kirk didn't deliver on Sundays. Lorelai was pleased too, remarking that her home was starting to look like her mother's!

As Rory stood there looking at all the bouquets, she suddenly had to sit down.
"Oh just wait a minute...this does remind me of something...the time when Logan sent all those flowers to the little apartment I shared with Paris after we had that fight...but it surely couldn't be just couldn't!"


Preparations for Sunday had everyone feeling like it actually was Christmas. Luke had been baking maple syrup and mustard ham, spinach and mushroom stuffed beef tenderloin with truffled wine sauce, roast vegetables and his special honey cloverleaf rolls. Rory had requested he make his upside down cranberry ginger cake for dessert with lashing of custard and cream. Lorelai contributed by making cookies and icing them with Rory, as was their tradition.

The table was elegantly set and the visitors were due to arrive at noon. It had been an unusually cold winter's morning. Even Paul Anka had refused to walk outside without his new doggie boots on! Popcorn was strung and hung on the Christmas tree while Christmas music and fairy lights set the scene for a perfect celebration!

Rory was feeling great as she dressed in an oversized Christmas sweater, skirt and boots. She stood looking at herself in the mirror, turning sideways to see her little baby bump. Rory wondered if indeed her baby's father had sent the flowers...she secretly wished he had but she couldn't let her heart go there!

Fortunately, with the cooler weather, jackets and sweaters had prevented the town from noticing Rory was pregnant. All the people she loved knew about the baby, so this party would hopefully be free from any sort of tension, apart from the awkwardness between Luke and Christopher but they had both assured Lorelai they would be on their best behaviour! Lorelai had told Emily about the pregnancy and asked her not to question Rory about the father. She stressed that loving support was all that was needed.

At noon, cars began pulling up out front and Lorelai and Luke welcomed Christopher and Gigi, Jess, April and Emily into their warm home. Everyone was exclaiming how cold it was! Rory handed out the hot eggnog to the visitors as they took turns standing in front of the fire and then all sat down ready to open presents, while nibbling on roasted nuts and an amazing array of appetisers.

Rory loved the sight and sound of her family chatting and laughing, oohing and ahhing over the gifts they unwrapped. She took several photos and some video on her phone so she could relive it all on December 25. She seemed to have quite a lot of presents to open and realised that everyone had bought a little something for the baby too.

Jess managed to chat with Rory but mainly focussed on how her book was coming along. He reminded her that if she needed him, he was just a phone call away. Rory was glad that they could just get along as family and felt at peace about the strong ties that they had.

Emily seemed surprisingly happy with the news that Rory was pregnant although expressed concern that she herself wasn't old enough to be a great grandmother. 

"Your grandfather would have been proud of you and thrilled at the thought of there being a new generation of our family..." Emily said taking Rory's hands in hers. "You just take care of yourself and the baby and remember you are a Gilmore through and through. I know you will make good choices!"

Lunch was just amazing and was probably one of the best meals Luke had ever made. As Rory stood with him in the kitchen after lunch, she thanked him for making it such a memorable celebration.

"I would do anything for you Rory, you know that. You are every bit as special to me as my April and I just want the best for you....I really hope that you can sort things out while you are know with telling Logan. Now I don't want to pressure you either way, other than to say that not a day goes by that I don't grieve for all of the years I lost with April...there were countless memories stolen from me......That's all I will say because I know you are an intelligent woman."

"Thanks Luke, I really appreciate you sharing that with me. I will definitely mull it all over while I'm lying on the beach next week!"

Hearing the doorbell ring, Rory returned to the living room to see Sookie, Jackson and the children pouring in, all rugged up in beanies, scarves and jackets. They were closely followed by Babette and Miss Patty, Lane, Zach and the twins. The house was full to overflowing!

The new visitors had brought Bon Voyage gifts for Rory's holiday in the sun. She was so touched as she thanked them all for coming and said she would keep in touch and send pictures. She hoped her holiday photos would warm them all up!

More Christmas goodies had appeared when Sookie arrived. There were plates of Christmas cakes, snowmen, gingerbread men and other sweets. The wine was flowing and Rory had even made a non alcoholic fruit punch. Group photos were taken and everyone seemed very jolly. They even began singing "I'm dreaming of a White Christmas" along with Bing Crosby.

Rory thought there was nothing that could make her day more complete, until she suddenly noticed her mom had stepped outside onto the front veranda. As Rory approached her, she recognised that look on her mother's face. She was not surprised when Lorelai turned to her and said, "I smell snow!"

And of course, it wasn't long before the first snowflakes of the season began to fall!


Well the mysterious deliveries have continued! Any ideas on who the sender is?

What was your favourite part of the Christmas/Bon Voyage party?

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