Chapter 61: Winds of Change

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Alone in her apartment, Odette couldn't stop thinking about how lucky she had been when she discovered the open window at Logan's new house. It was so wonderful to walk around and picture Logan in all the rooms. She had sat at his desk and checked out what he was up to with business. It surprised her to see the direction Logan was taking Huntzberger Media now that he had taken over from Mitchum as CEO and as she took photos of some of the documents, Odette couldn't help thinking about how she could advise Logan and support him once she found a way to be in his life for good. Jean-Paul had resorted to illegal practices with his business and she had just read that he had been officially charged. She was glad that she was no longer with him, as a jail sentence was most likely the consequence of his actions!

Various framed photos of Logan and Rory in the bedroom had stirred a jealous anger inside of Odette. At the time she could hardly bear to look at them together but she began to formulate a plan and it brought her great delight.

Odette caressed the T-shirt she had taken out of Logan's drawer. It smelt of his aftershave and it was a great comfort to her!

"We will be great parents Logan —I know I didn't appreciate you as much as I should have when we were together but things are going to be different this time mon cheri!"


Mitchum was recovering from his surgery and was ready to undergo chemotherapy. The surgery had been quite invasive as doctors had to remove part of his tongue, oesophagus and one lymph node. Surgeons were confident they managed to get all of the cancerous cells but they still recommended he have chemotherapy and even some radiotherapy. Mitchum would need more speech therapy as he recovered at home. True to his word, he had not interfered at all with Logan's decisions regarding Huntzberger Media —he certainly didn't seem to have the drive he once had.

Shira was more energetic than ever, having negotiated with health professionals to ensure that Mitchum was receiving the best treatment. She was actively involved in his care at home and spent a great deal of time just being with Mitchum and trying to keep his spirits up while making sure he was as comfortable as possible.  Shira had lost her motivation for entertaining the DAR ladies, instead she now put all of her energies into fund raising for a cure for Head and Neck cancer.

Logan looked forward to phonecalls from his mother which was such a change to how things were in the past.

"Hi Mother, how are you and how are things with Dad?" Logan asked.

"We are both doing fine Logan," Shira replied, "Your father is starting chemo next week and he is progressing well with his speech therapy. I think he has learned to be patient and to tell you the truth, I think he is just thinking he is lucky to be alive! How are you and Rory?"

"We are great...the honeymoon was just perfect," Logan replied wishing they were still in Far North Queensland. "Rory is getting bigger every day. We are working on the nursery this week. Rory wants to have it ready just in case our little girl decides to come early."

"That sounds wonderful —you'll have to send some pics when it's finished." Shira said wishing she could come for another visit really soon. "Now what about you Logan —how are things progressing with your legs?"

"Really good Mom," Logan replied feeling glad to have good news to share.  "I am using the crutches at home quite a bit and my physiotherapist is very pleased with my progress. I may even be walking by the time the baby arrives!"

"That's wonderful news Logan!" Shira exclaimed with a tear in her eye. "I knew you would recover...I just know you are going to be a fantastic father. I am so happy for you and Rory!"

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