Chapter 33: Finn & Laura

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Days had passed by with no noticeable change in Logan's health, other than the gradual reduction in swelling and bruising. Despite this, Dr Conway had indicated that he was pleased with how things were progressing with the spinal injury and it would just take time. While Logan's memories of the past eleven years remained unaccessible, he was managing well with storing new information. 

Logan spent his days seeing physiotherapists and occupational therapists who assisted him in skills he would need when he left the hospital. Rory and Finn visited daily, trying to fill in the gaps in Logan's memory and introduce him to the new technology and news he had forgotten about. With help from Honor and the boys, Rory compiled a photo album of events and memories. Logan studied it every day.

They had managed to hold off exposing Logan to the news of Mitchum's stroke and Robert had helped Honor to deal with the media statements regarding Logan's accident and the cancelled wedding. Logan wasn't at all surprised when he finally heard about Mitchum's stroke. He had always thought all the stress of his lifestyle would catch up with him one day. But as much as Logan disliked the way Mitchum had treated him, he genuinely hoped his father would recover and wished that his own health had allowed him to be there to assist Shira. Family ties seemed even more important to Logan after all he had been through.

Honor had flown home to deal with Mitchum as Shira was crumbling under the pressure and she also missed Josh and her boys. Colin and Robert had accompanied her and were looking into the legal mess that had come about as a result of the wedding not going ahead. After Honor had given statements to the media regarding Logan's accident and current prognosis, Odette's family had backed down and taken a quieter approach as they did not want negative press.

Odette had been shocked to hear that Logan had no memory of the years they were together, although she couldn't help feeling suspicious that perhaps this was just another way to avoid having to marry her and be with Rory instead.  However, she was quite sad at the thought he may never walk again. As much as she disliked the drinking that had become so out of control, Odette actually liked Logan as a person and had looked forward to getting to know him at a deeper level, once they were married.

Rory and Finn had fallen into a daily routine of rising early to go for a walk and a swim before heading off together for a day at the hospital with Logan. Finn was making sure that Rory was cared for providing her with nutritious meals and ensuring she was able to relax and get enough rest. He had even reminded her to book in an appointment with the obstetrician suggested by her doctor at home.

The day before New Year's Eve, Rory was surprised to see Laura outside the hospital as she stepped out into the sunshine for some fresh air.

"Hello Rory! I was just coming over to check on Logan to see how he is doing. I've just come from my appointment next door. How are you doing? That baby bump of yours is definitely starting to show!" Laura hugged her friend.

"Oh yes it is —Finn has also been feeding me like I'm carrying twins!" They both laughed. "I'm doing fine...although there really hasn't been any signs of feeling coming back in Logan's legs. I know we just have to be patient...but otherwise, the doctor is happy with him. I'm sure Logan would love to see you! He has heard so much about you!" Rory replied feeling a little lighter having Laura with her.

The two friends walked up to Logan's room chatting all the way. When they arrived, they noticed Dr Conway was coming out of the room.

"Rory, I'm glad I caught you —I have just been talking to Finn and have given Logan the news that we are going to release him from hospital tomorrow. We feel that being out of the hospital environment will improve his overall state of mind. There is a real danger of Logan developing depression here and at this point, there is nothing more we can do to help him.

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